Hello sesame seed. Welcome. I’ve forgotten everything about pregnancy too - Mind you, how hard can it be:
Trimester 1 - worry, feel happy, worry, resume knicker watch every hour on the hour, feel happy, worry, booking in appointment, feel guilty for eating blue cheese by accident, worry, feel happy, worry, get 12 week scan, stop worrying for 10 mins, start to worry again
Trimester 2 - tell everyone your news, feel happy about your news, feel embarrassed everyone knows you had sex, worry, feel happy, buy new ‘fat’ clothes, feel happy you are showing, feel fat because you are showing, worry, browse mothercare, worry, think about how broke you’ll be in maternity leave, think about how many coffee shops you’ll have time to visit, worry, feel baby kick, feel happy, worry he didn't kick for 3 mins, feel happy that he just did.
Trimester 3 - worry, need a wee, get kicked, worry, need a wee, have heartburn, feel blooming and glossy haired, feel fat, worry, relive previous birth traumas, need a wee, have a Braxton Hicks, get kicked, worry he is breech and it’ll be a c section, worry he isn’t breech so you’ll have to do it the traditional way, need a wee, puff round mothercare, weigh up real vs disposable nappies, watch OH build a cot, worry, scream cry PUSH........
.....and a year of no sleep begins (oh, and now worrying about cot death)
How hard can it be?