May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

Lol thank you. The last one it looks like it's got an alien head lol.
Really want an ice lolly!

Haven't got any so have had to settle for a drink with ice in. It's just not the same though.

Feeling knackered so may well end up going to bed soon!

Good luck today eryinera xx I don't have my scan date through yet and I'm 11+5. Is anyone else still waiting on a date? Xx

You should have it by now. I got my date at 10 weeks. The scan is 13 weeks.

Ery, glad it went well :D
Oh also forgot to add they weighed me and I've lost 2.5kg (probably because I'm back at work and more active) so I'm now "normal" again not "pre obese" woop lol
I'm not sure if there is anyone left here lol just me. My scan is the 15th when il be 12+5 :) xx
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it's too quiet in here now everyone's moved over lol
People have moved already?! When do you officially move? Is it at 12 weeks?
Official move over is 14 weeks but some places say 13 xx
I'm trying to stay in both lol. It's a strange time! :p my son's made up about becoming a big brother he wants to take the baby photos into school on Monday. He was gutted he found out on a Friday coz he had to wait over weekend to tell anyone do he's "announced" to grandma and will tell nanny and grandad tomorrow x
Yeah dovekie, most have gone! I'm not 14 weeks until 2 weeks this Thursday so I'm a while to go here yet! When is your due date? You must be nearer the second half of may like myself! Ery I have caved and told my daughter already so I know there's a chance she will tell a few ppl but not to overly worried, 12 week scan is a week on Tuesday and have found baby on Doppler so starting to feel more confident that everything is ok so fingers crossed! Xx
Teehee we decided wait until we had pictures. He was adorable I wish I had recorded it now!
I wish I had with Cam too!

His little face was so adorable!!

We just showed her pictures from the 10+3 scan so thankfully looked like a baby by that stage as the 7 week scan looked more of a blob than anything lol xx
Lol yeah I didn't get pics from my 5 or 7wk scan but did from my 10 & 13wk
I so just felt bubs move. Ibe just had my first brew and I think I woke it up. LOL. felt just like when it did a flip in the scan room on Friday I thought the it was probably her pushing on me but I didn't love thus time and felt it

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