May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

It is so hard doveki. Have you tried anti-sickness meds? Might help a bit xx
Hey girls!

Just checking in to see how you're all doing.

Loving all the scan pics!

Lou they say 10 weeks is early to guess a nub but that looks very girly very forked and just like Lottie's at the same gestation! 💕

Hey maybe. How are you?

Is anyone getting really bad headaches. I know it's hormonal and I am very sensitive to hormonal headaches. Always got them around ov and af. Any tips? Xx
I got really bad headaches in the second trimester when I was pregnant with Cam. My MW at the time advised taking paracetamol, eating every two hours to keep blood sugars up and drinking plenty.

Thanks Emily. I am worried about taking paracetamol but take just one each time. Am drinking lots too. Hopefully they don't last too long xx I can't remember these things with my son, it was 100 years ago (15 really). Having a newborn is going to be like the first time all over again xx
anyone else suffering with indigestion? feel sick all day, especially after my drive to work, manage to eat my sandwich and ive got killer indigestion - seem to be getting it everyday atm xxx
I was worried about taking paracetamol too but my MW assured me that it was perfectly safe to take it as often as I needed (following the dosage instructions obviously!)

I can't imagine having a newborn again! It's been four years for me which seems like ages let alone fifteen!!

I've had a tiny bit of indigestion but only once or twice.

Well he is 14, almost 15. It seems a lifetime ago. Things have changed alot since then. My cousin just had a baby so will be asking her for lots of tips.
Leigh, I have had terrible indegestion, I am a walking advertisement for everything you can get in pregnancy lol. I take gaviscon, helps loads xx
haha at least you know everything is moving in the right direction!

i have most symptoms except the actually being sick the nausea is very high today!! and now he indigestion!

i may have to invest in some gaviscon, its killing me xxx
Yeah get some. No point suffering if you don't have to. My OH asked the pharmacy if it was OK to take and they said it's fine. I don't know if particular ones are safe or if they all are so best checking first xx
I've started getting a bit of reflux too :( is that what gaviscon helps with? And does anyone else find whatever they ear or drink has a terrible after taste what's with that?! Lol
I have the taste all the time lately. I try to eat and drink to get rid of it but doesn't help. I am not sure if gaviscon helps with reflux. Probably does though xx
had a really nice day today kids have been so good did dinner now they are having their youtube time and I'm watching TV with a cuppa :)
Gaviscon will help with reflux but you might be better getting stuff from docs? I got a massive bottle (2 or 3 times the size) of something called peptac I think (?) when I was pregnant with my daughter and it seemed thicker than Gaviscon and definitely worked better for my reflux.

So glad scans have been good news for you girls :)

Mines not for another week and a half and it seems like a lifetime. Have been having bad dreams about it and am so convinced it will be bad news. Considering a private scan but its a ferry and 2.5 drive to get to one so doubt I can really do that as will end up costing a bomb. Will just need to cross my fingers and get through till next Friday.Xx
mines next friday too seems like such a long time away at the moment! going to have to take my 2 kids with me as well as I forgot it's half term so I hope they don't mind!
How old are your kids nikki? Im sure they won't mind. The kids are off atm here so will be back next week but have had to get my sister to do school runs etc. as we will be away all day! Not sure what excuse to give my stepd who's 11...I think shes twigged already tbh but she can't keep an actual secret so don't want to say the real reason.x
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they are nearly 4 and 8 I'm sure they will sit quietly and we won't be there long just don't want the hospital to say we cant go in I don't have anyone else to have them x
I have to take my 14 month old soon today with me Nikki. My husbands away this week x
My hospital have said no children to scans but if you've got no childcare then you've not really got much choice!

Hopefully they'll be understanding for you and it won't be a problem.


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