May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I had similar yesterday Ery but not with a pee, with passing gas!! I was like dear god when is it going to end??!! Lmao!!!!! I was on the toilet so it was proper echoing and I was at my mum's too!! Cringe!!

Lmao Emily! I've let a few long loud ones off in front of my son and hubby much to their delight lol. But they keep taking the mock out of my hiccups lol
im terrible for trapped wind!! everything i eat or drink is getting me!!

oh boss just pulled me aside and they are looking for someone to shadow me at work for when i go off, all becoming that little bit more real
My thoughts have been totally dominated by miscarriage, but as the days go by its like oh my god, I might have an actual baby :shock:

Hubby just got back with my meds doc prescribed some gaviscon too. it's blooming huge and aneseed flavour what a bizarre flavour but feels so good after food.
i still dont quite believe that im 10+4 and on sunday ill be 11 it all seems a blur and im not sure how im meant to be reacting to it all

every pain or twinge i think this is it but then nothing and my heart eases
My thoughts have been totally dominated by miscarriage, but as the days go by its like oh my god, I might have an actual baby :shock:


Ditto!!! I'm just terrified about the next scan. I keep thinking they will say those awful words "I'm sorry" I doubt I will be able to sleep the night before!
Aniseed flavour :sick:

I'm feeling very worried still but reassured by my Doppler. I found the HB strongly enough to register on the display and it was at 157.

I bet I can't find it tomorrow though!! Then I'll be shitting myself!!

Argh so tempted to get a doppler but what if I can't find it.... maybe I'll order one but not use it until closer/after? I'm too scared to try again it's like that bubble and I'm avoiding any sharp pins lol
I do panic when I can't find it, but the reassurance when I do is worth the worry when I don't.

I tried to find it last night just before bed so hubby could hear it but baby was hiding. Then this morning I found it immediately!

I wish I brought one afree the 10 week scan when I knew all was OK. but that was 2 weeks ago now and panic has set in again lol. If only one of you doppler girls lived in Manchester pmsl.
If only! And I'm not confident enough to part with mine yet otherwise you could borrow it. I'm still using it at least once if not multiple times a day!

Lol don't worry I'd be the exact same!! I've got no problems buying one its the bubble pop worry that comes with it lol.
I've pretty much not taken my bra off for the last week and a bit! I have to sleep wearing one as they wake me up otherwise!

Just realised how gross that sounds! I've obviously taken it off to shower and wash it! Lol!!

oh i feel your pain, taking it off is like letting two lead weights go the pain from the heaviness is unreal!!!

they are killing today even the slightest nudge not normally this bad, im also exhausted today nice early night tonight xx

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