*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Awww yay lush scan!! And how fab with ur EDD being bang on!
Love that pram toooo!!!

We have kept my silver cross surf from when I had my lb :) xx
I can relax now :-) all was perfect with the scan, sticking to the same dates at the minute as the early scan so 22nd May :-)
I'll post a pic later when I get back from work. Xxx
I can relax now :-) all was perfect with the scan, sticking to the same dates at the minute as the early scan so 22nd May :-)
I'll post a pic later when I get back from work. Xxx

Fab news x
Congrats Jenni and Emma, lovely that there's so many scans at the moment. Can't wait for mine, only 11 days to go. That sounds like such a long time in my head.
Have a great cruise Jem.
So here's the pic I promised earlier :-) it's a bit blurry but there's definitely a curvy little bean growing nicely in there :-)


Measuring 9+4 so matching perfectly with the early scan dates :-) she said the midwife was naughty for not delaying my dating scan when I told her about my dates changing after having my early scan. Ah well, I definitely get to see baby again, on 9th November ! So I'll have had 3 scans by 12 weeks lol. And oh has agreed that I can book a gender scan as soon as we've had the 12 week one :-D

Sooooo excited and happy now, feel totally different to how I did this morning. I was worrying about having not really felt sick for so long, I'm now just thinking I've been very lucky to have escaped it so far now I know everything is absolutely fine :-) Maybe it's a girl this time??!

Loving all the scan pics :) congrats ladies :) xx

My retching seems to have started to decrease the last few days or so, had a bit of nausea but I feel like it's tailoring off a bit, isn't this too soon at 8 weeks? Xx
Yeahhhh for scans!! And a 3rd Jenni - you are lucky!!

Lou you might just be having a good day, don't panic yet, you might regret it!!! My constant nausea is calming down and becoming more intermittent now. My bump seems to have "popped" a little tonight too - feels soooo heavy!!
Aww cute lik beanie Judt 5 sleeps until my scan... I'm so terrified there will be nothing there. I still can't put my banner up, but I'm 11+1
Know what you mean Jojo, no banner until the scan, I'm worried I might jinx it. I'm 11+1 today so just a day behind you. 10 days till scan eeeek.
Scan day! Will post a pic later, appointment at 330 :)
Lovely scans ladies! Good luck to those having them soon!
10 days until mine! Xx
I've been feeling rubbish last few days :( hope it's baby related Because I just feel like I'll get bad news Tuesday, but no reason why I woukd-
Aw jojo! Im sure everything is perfect hun!

Ive had a cold and cough for over a week now! It wont GOOO!!!!!!! And i hate that paracetmol is doing sod all too! Grrr x
Your cold may not be a cold. I've had a permanent stuffy nose and the doctor says its pregnancy rhinitis and is down to hormones And may not go u too delivery. I take saline spray and it helps.

I've been invited to take part in a folic acid study at the hospital to look into folic acid preventing preeclampsia - in not sure if I'm going to do it. Taking 4 tablets a day for 6 months and 5 additional clinical visits plus one extra 6 week visit is putting me off - I don't k ow if that makes me a ad person or not.
Ive had scan :) was amazing... Baby is all good :)
No change in date 4th may :)
I can't upload pic :(
Excellent! You have a Star Wars day baby! (May the fourth be with you)
Brilliant news Eaw! No idea on the uploading pics tho! If its a boy will you call him Luke... 'Luke... I am your father'.

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