*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Oh Jojo that's awful. As you say, nothing you can do about it but still :-( at least you're aware so can use a bit more tact with things you might say? Xxx
Argh i'm desperate to pee and my scan is in an hour! Can I go a little bit and top it back up?!
Only just saw this jem so pointless now lol!!
But they say to fill bladder an hour before. So i would of gone when i woke up then re filled.
Hope u didnt have to hold it in all this time!!!

Good luck, cant wait to see scan!! .. Xx
That's fantastic :)

My scan is on Tuesday so just 6 sleeps to go! It's also my grandmas bday so I pray all goes well so I can give her a nice bday present.

On the sad side my cousin lost a baby when I was expecting my son- we would have been due together and found out yesterday she just lost another one at 10 weeks. I feel so bad for her (I honk it's her 6th one :( ) it's going Break her heart to find out I'm having another and I wish there was something I could do but I can't :(

Aww jojo thats so so sad :( xxx
Good luck gem :) Jo jo that is so sad :( poor woman does not bear thinking about!

Has anyone had nausea overnight that has disturbed their sleep? Last night I tossed and turned all night because I just felt sick and rough! X
No lou not me, but mine seems to be from 5pm till bedtime for a good while now.
It spoils my dinner lol!
Congrats Babyslog, wee bit jealous I've got to wait nearly 2 weeks till mine.

I've felt achy today Tigger, lots of pulling and tugging below. So been on knicker watch more often than normal. Thankfully no bleeding, just more cm than usual, quite thick (tmi sorry) but normal coloured so I guess that's ok. Day off tomorrow and I have nothing planned so am going to chill out and watch some bad telly while little boy is at school.

I'm thread hopping but glad I seen your post I'm in exactly the same boat so glad I'm not alone! Do you have a tilted uterus? I d and I was hoping it was that moving forwards I've heard it happens around 9 weeks give or take a week or two.

Hi Eryinera, I've no idea if I've got a tilted uterus, don't remember it being mentioned last time I was pregnant either, your theory sounds about right though. I'm 11 weeks tomorrow. I have also got lots of gas (!) at the minute, literally my tummy is bubbling and popping the whole time, glad I've got a day off today as I think the kids at school could hear the tunes my body is playing if I were stood in front of them!

Good luck for your scan Jem, so lovely to have it early in the day.

Jojo, that is horrible news. Although she is hurting I'm sure she will be happy for you. Is she getting any help with ttc?
All done! No pictures though :-( they've put me back 6 days so i'm 10+3, due 15th May. Means we get an extra scan after honeymoon where we get pics, but it was so lovely to see baby chilling out in there! She was very happy with what she saw so we can relax until we're back now :-)
Although thinking about it, that's only 2 days past what I originally thought anyway!!
Hurrah! Brilliant news. Have a fab honeymoon, and another scan to look forward to when you come back x
The impression I get is that she's had investigations and there's no reason she can't carry that they can find. She can fall pregnant she just can't keep it :( it's so very sad and unfair that I'm getting 2 and she can't even have one :(
Aw jem im so thrilled for you!
You can have an amazing time away now! :) xx
I celebrated reaching 12 weeks today by being sick this morning, weeks of nausea and hoping the further on in pregnancy I get the better I will feel, nope feel worse.
Congrats Jem!! Where and when are you off on honeymoon?? Hope you have an awesome time!!!

My husband just came out with such a delightful comment. One of the nursery staff today asked me if I'd lost weight, I repeat this too him and he says "what a silly woman. You've got bigger, not smaller!". He was trying to be nice and play the "you defs look pregnant" card, but went a step too far!!!! X
Lovely to hear All the scans are going well! Can't believe it's that time already.
I'm getting a bit of pain on my left side by my hip bone, thinking I might just be over doing it with the toddler swinging off me and hopefully just stretching going on! Xx
Ooh and finally in double figures today!! xx
Woooop to double figures kim!!
I had hip ache all yesterday! I think i had a bit of a trapped nerve! Seems alright today! Not sure how long i can keep picking and throwing Noah about mind u lol! Hes a lump lol x
Oh god, there's no way I'll be able to give up toddler carrying! My monster is such a mummy's boy that he'd have a meltdown! Bring on the pain...

How is everyone today? It's nearly Friday! Can't wait for the weekend now!!! X
I still have this killer cold and sore throat :( :(

Also had horrible nausea all evening yesterday! Worse than normal! Drove me insane! I ate and ate but it would go lol!

Cant believe im 12wks tomorrow!!!!!
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