*****May 2016 Mummies*****

Woohoo!!! Scan date!! 6th November for us, so 2.5 weeks. I should be 12 weeks exactly!

I've got no idea Jenni - I've pinned a few articles with some ideas in but none are really calling to me!!! X
Exciting tigger :) ours is the 17th November feels a life time away! And I thought the 2ww was bad!! How do you get through it!!?? I still constantly worry...

Lou x
Most of my family and friends already know! Difficult to keep it a secret when going through IVF etc plus I could not contain myself! And neither could my mum!!! Xx
All my friends and family know too as we were ivf and so they all knew what we were doing. I will be announcing on fb after 12 week scan though but will probably just do the usual scan picture thing as all my important people know already.

Is is possible to get cravings this early on? Im not a sweet-toothed person at all usually but am finding myself really wanting sweet things, chocolate, etc. I had to go to the shop the other day and buy some jam as really wanted jam on toast (im usually a marmite kind of girl, WHEN I have toast that is) and ive been having jam on toast everyday since. Also when we have a cake day at work I 9 times out of 10 have a sausage roll rather than a cake but the other day had to have a jam doughnut! Nothing strange I know but for me it is as I never normal go for sweet over savoury. Anyone else experienced "cravings"?
Not cravings as such but I fancy more savoury stuff instead of biscuits and cake etc. also I normally love chocolate or cake and a cup of tea at night but really not bothered about it at the moment!

How are u feeling poispinner? How r u getting through the days until 12 weeks? I still constantly worry! Have u got ur scan booked?

Lou x
Has anyone got a Doppler?
I brought one and used it about an hour ago...... WOW!!!! What an amazing experience!!!!
I have a doopler. I have the angel sounds one, bought it with my 1st pregnancy.

Tried it lastnight and i couldnt find it properly pretty sure it was an eho of my own, didnt seem fast enough.

But will re try Fter scan again tomorrow :)
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I have a doopler. I have the angel sounds one, bought it with my 1st pregnancy.

Tried it lastnight and i couldnt find it properly pretty sure it was an eho of my own, didnt seem fast enough.

But will re try Fter scan again tomorrow :)

That's the one I've just brought, thought it was going to be a waste of money but I'm so pleased I brought it
I have a doopler. I have the angel sounds one, bought it with my 1st pregnancy.

Tried it lastnight and i couldnt find it properly pretty sure it was an eho of my own, didnt seem fast enough.

But will re try Fter scan again tomorrow :)

That's the one I've just brought, thought it was going to be a waste of money but I'm so pleased I brought it

Its so lovely to hear isnt it! :)

When they get bigger them move so much one day its on one side and the next the opposite lol, so dnt be worried if it takea u a while to re find xx
Not cravings as such but I fancy more savoury stuff instead of biscuits and cake etc. also I normally love chocolate or cake and a cup of tea at night but really not bothered about it at the moment!

How are u feeling poispinner? How r u getting through the days until 12 weeks? I still constantly worry! Have u got ur scan booked?

Lou x

Im not feeling too bad at the moment thanks Lou, the nausea seems to have subsided for now, as long as I keep eating! Ive completely gone off tea at the moment, and usually i would drink 8-10 cups a day! How have you been feeling?

Since my 8 week scan ive felt a lot more relaxed which has helped with the wait to 12 weeks. Plus I have a busy couple of weeks at work coming up with a move to a new office so that will keep me busy. I have now registered with my GP but still awaiting a scan date. I'm sure it will be here before I know it. Sounds a bit sad but cant wait to make it "fb official" as quite a few people have been announcing pregnancies on my friends list just lately and im dying to tell the world!!!
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I know what u mean u want to shout it from the roof tops!
I have been feeling ok, spells of feeling tired, retching most days usually after my lunch, little bits of nausea but nothing too bad, every day seems to be a bit different and some days I feel just normal which always makes me a bit on edge!

Our fertility nurse discharged us the same day as scan and we got our 12 week scan appt through a couple of days later could not believe how quick it was!

Yes I think that's the key to keep busy! I need to do that and stop googling everything!!
Cravings definitely start already. I absolutely cannot get enough of cold chicken at the moment. And I've gone off chocolate - that never happens. Anyone got any inklings as to what they may be carrying yet - boy or girl?! I'm not even going to try and guess this time - I was totally convinced Jake was a girl last time!!!

Poispinner - I normally have about 8-10 cups of coffee a day (decaf), I've not touched a drop in weeks now because it's so disgusting. I'm gutted!!!

Lou - I'm taking it day by day. I'm fairly happy that it's all going to be ok, I just need to get through the nausea - looking forward to that being over! Xxx
Hope u girls dont mind!

Ive done a May 2016 tri 2 thread ready for us!! Xxx
Scary to think tri 1 is nearly over, sooner for others. Sometimed I think it's going so quickly and other times it seems to be going so slowly!
I'm not gunna lie, I can't wait for tri 1 to be over. It's awful ! Xx
I can't wait for tri 2!! Looking forward to at least having 1 set EDD! X
SCAN DAY!!!!!!! Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
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