*****May 2016 Mummies*****

My OH ruined it. The gravy was disgusting, and I covered my dinner in it!!! Least we had some nice cheesecake after!!!

Ah there's a symptom Jem! It's not all about the nausea!! (Always hope for the slightly less awful ones eh?!) xx
Woke this morning thinking the nausea had gone :( nope it had not, I haven't gagged today but still...... Want it to stop
Tiggers roast inspired me so we've just had roast chicken :-) couldn't finish it, large meals are a struggle at the moment, but it was delicious!
I had a single buttered roll for my tea! Couldn't face anything else!! We definitely need to start some food threads, I need ideas!!!! X
I can't manage meals at all. :( I managed to have breakfast, then a small sandwich at lunch, but nothing at tea, constantly gagging. Completely off meat, :( hope I don't have a veggie baby! MW thinks I might be anemic too. :(
Hello ladies

I have finally felt a bit more confident to post in here... Going from my LMP I am due on the 30th may, I am sure I will end up being a June mummy but for now officially I am a May mummy x

After over 3 years and a early mc I am trying to stay excited and not fear the worst but finding it hard! We have a scan on the 13th oct and it just can't come soon enough! I panic every time I don't feel a symptom, anyone else feel like this or have any tips on how I can be more relaxed about it? I just want to enjoy it!!!

Lou xx

Welcome lou, nice to see a familiar face (well, name!) :wave:

Thank you Hun xx how are you doing ? Is it your scan today? If so best of luck Hun xx I am just constantly worrying it's awful, I never thought it would be so hard. I should be on top of the world not terrified all the time. My scan can't come soon enough but I will be so nervous. I hope your goes well xx
Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with food. Can't wait until it passes and I can start enjoying aaaaalll kinds of food again!!

Sorry it's taken me so long to update after the scan on Saturday, we've had a busy weekend doing nothing :-)
Here's the pic of my little blobby chocolate chip as my Oh called it!

You really can't see much apart form the teeny baby and yolk sac, but I'm soooooo relieved to know that there's a baby in there, with a heartbeat :-) :-) I feel like I'm actually starting to believe I'm pregnant now!

Telling the parents went well, we put Oscar in a 'brother' tshirt to tell my family, I had to tell them to read it when no one has said anything after 5 mins lol. My Oh's parents weren't surprised, they said they expected us to come up this weekend and tell them, apparently I have a 'look' about me when I'm pregnant.....!

Hope all is going well for the rest of you xxx
Not sure why the photo is flipped the wrong way, I'll see if I can change it. Xx
I'm having such a bad day today.
My last pregnancy I had very few symptoms... Just tiredness and slightly sore boobs

This time uve had the odd wave of nausea, but not much, sore boobs to the touch and exhaustion but nothing else. Apparently my boobs look a bit bigger and I have horrid rhinitis. I also have a hell of a lot of CM.

I'm just so worried about missed miscarriage which is kinda errational as its a very small percentage of people who get these, but k. Must worrying loads today. I can't even out my ticker up yet because I feel so unsure :(

I'm 8+5 today and just feel so anxious today... Then of course I googled it, thinking hey it'll make me feel better... Bloody NO!

am I just being irational?
I'm having a bad day too jojo. My MW said that Google is every pregnant womans nightmare(it really is) avoid Google at all costs! Listen to some soothing music and clear your mind, relax in the bath (really should take my own advice!) Haha!xx
I'm exhausted today...plus I have a massive craving for cheese! I've never craved cheese before but guess I'm lacking in calcium lol x
Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking for a bit but decided I really should just come and say hello!

I think I'm about 6 weeks along with my second so due around the end of May! Not exactly sure on my dates yet. Have got my midwife app on 15th Oct and they will book me a dating scan.

I have a little girl already who's nearly 18 months. Sooo excited to be doing it all again but nervous too! I have very little in the way of symptoms but I didn't last time either so hoping for another easy pregnancy with a little healthy bundle at the end!

Look forward to chatting with you all x
I had an easy pregnancy last time too. With the exception of extreme tiredness and bleeding. Symptom wise uf was fine though.

The only issue I had pain wise was at 35 weeks when I was almost induced because if a suspected womb infection and then I fell down some stairs at 30 weeks so was in crues for a 6 weeks which is a pain with a bump!

I suffered terribly from anxiety last time to the point where even in labour I was terrified because I didn't think I'd get a baby to bring home
Hello ladies

I have finally felt a bit more confident to post in here... Going from my LMP I am due on the 30th may, I am sure I will end up being a June mummy but for now officially I am a May mummy x

After over 3 years and a early mc I am trying to stay excited and not fear the worst but finding it hard! We have a scan on the 13th oct and it just can't come soon enough! I panic every time I don't feel a symptom, anyone else feel like this or have any tips on how I can be more relaxed about it? I just want to enjoy it!!!

Lou xx

Welcome lou, nice to see a familiar face (well, name!) :wave:

Thank you Hun xx how are you doing ? Is it your scan today? If so best of luck Hun xx I am just constantly worrying it's awful, I never thought it would be so hard. I should be on top of the world not terrified all the time. My scan can't come soon enough but I will be so nervous. I hope your goes well xx

Thanks Lou, yes my scan was today.

See the little beans flickering heartbeat (so cute!) but measuring 6w 3d instead of 7 weeks. Nurse told me it could have implanted later than expected or it may just a little behind and that it may catch up in a week or so. She has booked me in for another scan next monday to see. If I am only 6w 3ds that puts my edd to 27th May, my birthday!

Gutted that we never got to take home a scan pic :( going to ask for one next week or take a pic on my phone.

Hope you are feeling ok, apart from the constant worry! I have gone off tea completely and I would usually drink around 10 cups a day! Can only stomach fizzy drinks at the min, especially lemonade! Anyone else gone off something they usually love?
I'm having such a bad day today.
My last pregnancy I had very few symptoms... Just tiredness and slightly sore boobs

This time uve had the odd wave of nausea, but not much, sore boobs to the touch and exhaustion but nothing else. Apparently my boobs look a bit bigger and I have horrid rhinitis. I also have a hell of a lot of CM.

I'm just so worried about missed miscarriage which is kinda errational as its a very small percentage of people who get these, but k. Must worrying loads today. I can't even out my ticker up yet because I feel so unsure :(

I'm 8+5 today and just feel so anxious today... Then of course I googled it, thinking hey it'll make me feel better... Bloody NO!

am I just being irational?

Hey Hun I feel for you because I feel just the same! I have googled far too much and I am panicking because I don't feel that tired and I only feel sick in the morning! I don't have sore boobs either... It's soooo scary isn't it! Have u an early scan or do you have to wait until 12 weeks? I never realised how hard this bit would be!! Xxxx
I managed 1 sip of coffee today (decaf) it tasted like soap and made me gag. I usually have 5-6 cups a day!!!

Glad your scan went well poispinner, hope next Monday is just as positive!!!

We turned the heating on for the first time tonight, the dust has made my allergies go nuts!!! My poor eyes :-(

When does morning sickness usually wear off? I can't remember? I am fed up now of this constant nausea. It's only been 2 days of it properly! I wish I was a glowing, gorgeous pregnant lady!

I took a picture tonight to compare to my pre preg picture (I was on a diet so want a comparison) what I thought might be baby bump coming already is just where I've got a bit of podgy overhang... Excellent!!! X
Hey poispinner

That must have been amazing Hun!! I am praying we see our little flicker next week too! But I ovulate later normally so I think they will date me back like you but will see, I am soooo nervous!

At least u get to see the change in a weeks time :)

I have gone off chocolate! I can eat it but I don't enjoy it, it's really weird cause I am a chocoholic normally!!!

I am v v bloated tonight and my tummy is quite painful is this normal??? Xxx
I am quite bloated and painful too but to be honest feels like trapped wind!! Im also quite constipated so dont think that helps!! What kind of pain are you experiencing? x
Like trapped wind!! So it's probably that! So if you measured 6 weeks 3days then that is early to see a heartbeat? I think I will be 6 weeks 4 days from when I usually ovulate but my lmp would be 7w1day so do you think they will see a heartbeat on our bean all being well? Xx it sounds like everyone and every little bean grows at different rates anyway so early scans seem a bit daunting and not certain! Xx

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