*****May 2016 Mummies*****

No way Jojo! I couldn't do nights. I could never get to the point to stay up for your first night!

My toddler had the worst sleep EVER last night. He's not very good but we've been working on it for 2 weeks and had a few sleep through - last night we were up 6-7 times with him :-(

I thought I'd share a picture with you all of my view from the loo the other morning. They say you get a lack of privacy as soon as you have kids.... He moved his step, opened the door, then went and got his bowl and used the step as a table!!!ImageUploadedByTapatalk1443852034.949467.jpg
Bless him, that's so funny! That's the kind of thing I can see my boy doing when he gets a bit older. He loves making his way into the downstairs loo to play with the tumble dryer at the minute, pulling all the clean clothes all over the floor ��

Scan in 2 and a half hours.....I'm so excited, scared, nervous...... Planning on telling parents after if all goes well. Wish me luck! :-) xxx
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Hello ladies

I have finally felt a bit more confident to post in here... Going from my LMP I am due on the 30th may, I am sure I will end up being a June mummy but for now officially I am a May mummy x

After over 3 years and a early mc I am trying to stay excited and not fear the worst but finding it hard! We have a scan on the 13th oct and it just can't come soon enough! I panic every time I don't feel a symptom, anyone else feel like this or have any tips on how I can be more relaxed about it? I just want to enjoy it!!!

Lou xx
Oh Lou I've been driving myself nuts the last week by thinking I've got no symptoms and then they creep in! I'm probably about a week ahead of you and for the past couple of days I've just felt sick, constantly. I would say be careful what you wish for but obviously it's a lot more reassuring. I have no tips, I drive myself mental. I really wanted this pregnancy to go smooth sailing but I've got it in my head that the soy I took might have matured a dodgy egg and that there's a reason it wasn't happening naturally!!!! X
Oh good I am glad it's not just me imagining all sorts! Thanks Hun x it's just a worrying time isn't it! I am retching to the point of almost vomiting everyday at random time and each time I almost punch the air with joy! But when it's not there and I feel normal I don't like it!

I am just trying to keep busy without over doing it!!

Why does time speed along normally and then when u want it to speed it slows down!

Argh ladies i'm having a massive panic this morning! I've had no proper symptoms for a couple of days, my boobs are only mildly sore and the nausea I had seems to have tailed off. I'm 8+5 going by midwife dates, 8+2 by mine. I know this is probably normal but i'm a ftm and this is all very scary!!
No twins on my side but there is on my partners the re scan will either be Friday or a week Monday the hospital left me a voicemail while I was at work so will have to call back Monday for a definite day and time
Wow congratulations on the twins mama bear. If the yolk sacs were within the same gestational sac then they would be identical twins I would have thought and one of those 1in250 chances that all ladies have of conceiving twins. As only one egg would have been fertilised it just split to make two embryos. So nothing to do with a history of twins. Also twins on your partners side wouldn't influence you conceiving twins only your maternal line. I have done lots of twin research as I am a twin myself xx
Scan update.......

I've never been so relieved to see a tiny blob in all my life!! Everything looks perfect and we even saw a heartbeat :-) I've been put back a week so now 6+6 and due 22nd May (my Mom's birthday!) but they said that could all change by the 12 week scan.
Off to tell our parents now, will post a pic later. Xxx
Yay for a seeing blob and a heartbeat Jenni. Were you expecting to be put back? Look forward to seeing a pic and have fun telling your parents xx
I had a feeling I would be, I was put back 6 days with Oscar - he came 6 days early, bang on his due date going by lmp!

We've got Oscar a little 'brother' tshirt, we're letting him do the announcement lol. Hoping it goes to plan. Xxx
Aww we did the same with our 2nd but the in laws came round before we had chance to put him in it so had him give them the t shirt instead lol xx
Ah so pleased for you Jenni! Your new due date is my birthday, too!!! I've a feeling my little one could well have that date for a due date!

Jem it's TOTALLY normal to panic about the symptoms dropping off, even if they do for just a day, I bet some are still there. My boobs only get super sore when they're growing - I seem to get only mild soreness when prodding otherwise (but I get none when not preg so I know it's something!)

Went to get some vit d this morning. I wasn't even aware I was supposed to be taking that with folic acid, whoops! Ah well, I was in the canaries for 11 days a few weeks before falling, I'm sure that's bumped my vit d enough!!!! X
Wow congratulations on the twins mama bear. If the yolk sacs were within the same gestational sac then they would be identical twins I would have thought and one of those 1in250 chances that all ladies have of conceiving twins. As only one egg would have been fertilised it just split to make two embryos. So nothing to do with a history of twins. Also twins on your partners side wouldn't influence you conceiving twins only your maternal line. I have done lots of twin research as I am a twin myself xx

Wow I didn't know that! Yes both were in the same sac we didn't see fetal poles so not sure yet but hopefully not long until we get a definite answer. The lady scan said some times he second yolk doesn't develop so not to get our hopes up too much just yet xx
Hello ladies

I have finally felt a bit more confident to post in here... Going from my LMP I am due on the 30th may, I am sure I will end up being a June mummy but for now officially I am a May mummy x

After over 3 years and a early mc I am trying to stay excited and not fear the worst but finding it hard! We have a scan on the 13th oct and it just can't come soon enough! I panic every time I don't feel a symptom, anyone else feel like this or have any tips on how I can be more relaxed about it? I just want to enjoy it!!!

Lou xx

Welcome lou, nice to see a familiar face (well, name!) :wave:
I must never ever complain about a lack of something again. The past 24 hours I've felt horrendous! I managed 1 whole bite of my bacon sandwich this morning - I could cry. Took the little man swimming - didn't feel too bad, he was a bit of a monster (also wearing a swimming costume made me feel HUGE!!!) but it hasn't tired him out! I'm not freeeeeezing cold!

Ah well. Roast beef dinner is imminent, and it smells delicious! I hope I can manage it. And the cheesecake we've got for afters!! X
Ooo roast beef dinner sounds good tigger!!

Another day of no nausea, 8+6. Definitely not complaining, but trying not to worry. However having spent a few hours in the car yesterday, my right hip seems to have gone on strike. I can barely walk!!

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