Maternity or not marternity??


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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I need some new togs and i cant decide wether to get maternity or not!

Right now I dont have a pregnant look, just my usualy fat one :rotfl: (i worry with have a gut pre pregnancy its gonna take a while for baby to fill it up lmao) BUT I cant really afford to get some clothes now and then get more when I do have a pregnancy belly!

Im going on holiday in a few weeks and need a few togs for that including a few cossies or tankinis, what I really need to know is, can you wear, maternity, when you dont have a proper pergnancy belly or does it bag and hang off? I was going to get some mat swimwear, some mat jeans & trousers & some 'normal' tops in maybe a 20-22 (im usually about an 18) so there a little bigger but not baggy round the tummy area?

Ive never investigated mat clothes so i dunno if its even possible to wear them when you havnt got a proper belly, can anyone advise?

Oh also, ive heard Next Mat wear is like a size bigger that id normally wear so id need to go down a size, can anyone confirm or deny this?

This is my belly right now (ow ow ow my eyes, my eyes)
Alot of maternity wear is designed to be worn from the 1st trimester right up until the end of your pregnancy, they have adjustable or stretching waistbands etc. I would buy maternity stuff now, try a few sizes on and get the ones that feel most comfortable for you, obviously making sure they do adjust for the coming months.

Im only 7 weeks but I feel dead bloated and the other day I went into next and tried on a pair of maternity combats. Honestly they were the most comfortable piece of clothing I've ever tried on!! They were a good fit even now, just felt like normal trousers but I know they'd be good for later on too cos they have stretchy side panels.

Im going to a christening when Im 12 weeks and even though I probably wont have a proper bump Im gonna wear maternity clothes, they're just a better fit and it'll save me buying more clothes in a few months if I get them early. Hope you get whatever you need :hug:

And your belly looks fine to me, a nice neat bump forming there :D
I wouldnt agree with the Next thing hun about their maternity clothes being a size bigger.

My pre pregnancy maternity size in Next has fitted me fine, but then everyone is different and women are all different shapes and sizes. It might be worth you trying different sizes before you buy just to be on the safe side and get the best fit. :)
cheers girls!

Was going to buy online as im not going to have to to treck to Next in Leeds before my hols in 2 weeks so I guess Ill just buy the size I am normally, if it doesnt fit, can send back and get another size lol.

Now where is that CC

I personally think you have a little baby belly growing there!

In NEXT maternity wear, I buy the same as i was pre pg.

Fits fine.

Also, with NEXT if you're concerned they may be too baggy, I got some jeans and combats from there and they actually send you maternity belts with them so you can adjust them in regard to your size.

Happy shopping! :D
kirlykird said:

I personally think you have a little baby belly growing there!

In NEXT maternity wear, I buy the same as i was pre pg.

Fits fine.

Also, with NEXT if you're concerned they may be too baggy, I got some jeans and combats from there and they actually send you maternity belts with them so you can adjust them in regard to your size.

Happy shopping! :D

Wicked news about the bets then, ill get shopping this week without telling OH and then ill make up a story about mum buying them for my birthday and early xmas and then when I get presents at xmas ill say she felt guilty not getting me owt so she shopped some more for me PMSL

I can just see a fat gut, one that ive had for 10 years :rotfl: maybe im just so used to looking at a rounded belly, i cant tell the difference :rotfl:
The reason you may have been told that with Next is cause there saizes are generous anyway. In First Magazine this week, they got a load of women of different sizes to see if differnt clothes in different higgh street stores fitted them in their size, and Next repetedly came up bigger on people. So your best bet with maternety wear is always to buy it in the same size as you would be in that stores normal sizes if that makes sense.
Last time around I didnt wear maternety trousers at all, I just wore drawstring track pants from White stuff, they are so comfy and I wear them when Im not PG too.

Also for bargins be sure to check out too, they do really cheap maternety wear, if you dont want to spend a fortune on clothes for only a few months.
that's very crafty but clever too! :rotfl:

NEXT have more choice from their directory, I got pj's and loads of stuff from there, very comfy!

Also if you're lucky enough to be near a large New Look , they do great maternity clothes for reasonable prices too :D

Enjoy spending your mums money :wink: :rotfl:
I was told yesterday tat the large peacocks have started selling maternity clothes too
I'm normally a 10 too and wear maternity trousers & jeans and normal tops. Nicest tops are a clingy type from next which I got in a 14 and I got black s10 maternity trousers from dorothy perkins and LOVE them, theyre sooooo comfy and have adjustable waistbands which I'll use on fat weeks post pregnancy ;)

I wouldnt go for 20-22 tops, they'll hang off your shoulders. Just go for stretchy tops in about a 14 or Ive got some floaty type ones which flair at the waist again a 14 from monsoon. Ebay has loads of stuff like this new with tags :)

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