Maternity Leave

I'm due 13th April and I finish work on Friday so I'll be 32 weeks...x
I'm planning on taking leave from the 16th March when I will be 36 + 1 and starting maternity leave offically on 2nd April - but I start my handover at work on Monday so if I get really tired before I may take a few extra days leave before but would rather carry them over and use them once my maternity pay is up.
im on holiday from 2nd march go back on 15th and 16th march and new entitlement starts so will be on holiday for 7 weeks before maternity starts which is day after baby is due!! i cant wait now :) bt with my 2nd i finshed at 35 weeks which was about right as iwas starting to feel quite tired then xx
Seems quite a few of you have gone off around the same time as i'm planning then. I just felt as though she was suggesting i was going off too early or something which kind of annoyed me a bit, since i've had no sick leave or anything during my pregnancy. I'm knackered already!

P.s. beckyjane this is getting spooky now, 16th of March is the day i'm planning to go off too! x

That is spooky! We are blato gonna pop on the same day! :dance: x

Ill be reporting for the both of you if that happens!!! lol

Im planning on 31st March - but taking each day as it comes lol xx
Im due 29th September and I want to work as long as possible as means more time with "minion" at other end. The only problem is I have a condition called Jeunes syndrome whch affectrs the kidneys, liver mainly and they have been checking my pevis even before we started trying for a baby so there is a chance they may need to delivery early due to the fact they dont know how my pelvis will accommodate baby as it grows. Have our 12 week scan on 19th March then we see the consultant a couple weeks later so might have a better idea then.

Also our holidays run april to march so I will probably need to use this years allowance before going off....feel like il never be at work lol xx

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