Maternity leave question


Nov 7, 2015
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When I was talking to my midwife at my booking appointment I asked if because I am having twins and they will be delivered early can I start my maternity leave earlier.

I was told no they would take my 40 week due date and it would be 11 weeks before that.

The thing is I am expecting twins and I have been told that I will deliver them no later than 38 weeks. If I make it to 38 weeks I will be induced so there is absolutely no chance that my 40 week due date is my due date.

I work in a nursery and I am concerned that I may not last until 29 weeks as it is an extremely active job. Being signed off for a few weeks wouldn't help either as my employer offers 0 sickness pay.

The government website says that the "earliest you can start your leave is 11 weeks before the expected week of childbirth, this is usually around 29 weeks" - usually - suggesting that it's not always? If I have been told that I will not go beyond 38 weeks then surely that should be used as my due date for my maternity leave??

Sorry for the rambling, I just want to be able to make the most of my leave before they arrive to prepare and relax as I am very aware that they could come even earlier than 38 weeks.
Sorry but it's 29 weeks at the earliest. You would be able to get statutory sick pay from your employer though-it's a legal requirement but it isn't much (about £88 a week if you're full time)
Could you not take all your holiday your entitlement for 2016 before may leave starts in one go? So I get 5 weeks annual leave a year and if I don't take any holiday before my due date in Aug and I decide to take my maternity from my due date I could take all 5 weeks holiday before due date as well so I could technically leave work from 18th July. Could you do something similar? Xx
I would suggest holidays too. I worked up to 38 weeks with my first, but I took holidays 1 or 2 days per week from 30 weeks.

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