Maternity Leave - how long are you off for?

I start ML on 22nd of this month and taking a year off. might go back, might not, will see how we manage financially first
Well my maternity plan went a bit tits up cause my co fired me... Long story so i have been on Maternity leave officially 28th June.

Got 6 weeks full pay from work
then will get smp 33wks

I think after that I will find out about contracting from home..
I leaveing next Friday :dance: Cant wait im getting so tired! Im taking 2 weeks annual leave then my maternity kicks in 1st Sept which ill be getting 6 weeks at 90% of my wages then SWP there after. I wont be taking the full 12 months off as we couldnt afford too - Still havent decided when to go bed . . Ill see how i feel!
I have not sorted this out at all... I actually have no idea what's happening with work! All I know is I get 6 weeks at 90% as from 15th August and then 29 weeks at SMP (I "think"!!)

Grrr I really need to sort stuff out. I'll speak to work again next year (whoa that sounds wierd!?) about what to do.

I know I'm going to have to go back to work, A) because I want Evie to have good work ethic, B) because I know I'll be tearing my hair out needing to work for at least a couple of days a week! and C) because I'm going to need the money (although I *might* be better off on benefits once they start - housing benefit, income support etc, I WANT to get myself off them even if it means I have a little less money each week).

Ahhh... Joys of life ay!! x
I took 4 weeks holiday and haved 39 weeks at 90% of my pay, i dont earn enough to get SMP so works out at £80 a week, then i may take the other 3 months unpaid, it depends on my situation and what bwenefits i can get and save up for then.

TBH i'm ready to go back to work now but i wanna take her with me lol!
I left work on 21st June and hope to return around 1st August 2009 - a years' maternity leave plus some holiday. Don't want to return full time but at the same time I don't want to live on the breadline....we don't have family nearby so looks like he'll be in nursery Mon - Fri :(
I have arranged 13 months. I finished at the end of June but the first 5 weeks were holiday - my maternity leave officially started this week. So I have 6 weeks @ 90% then 33 weeks at SMP. My due back date is 3rd Aug 2009.

The last 3 months are unpaid but I have got money saved to cover that and I am going to continue to try and put money aside till then. Also, OH just got a new job - which is better paid - so hopefully we will be fine for those 3 months. It will be tight but I figured in the long run the benefits to LO will far outweigh the little extra we may have with me working as I hope to breastfeed for as long as possible. I only want to go back part-time as well.

I have the option to go back earlier if I want - who knows, I may be begging to do so!!!!! :lol:

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