Count down to maternity leave.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Hi :wave:

Well that's me finished for the weekend which means I only have 3 days to work next week before I start my maternity leave.

12.30 next Thursday can't come quick enough.

When are you all starting your mat leave and what do you plan to do with the time off? xxx
I am a stay at home mum to a 6 year old and a 2 year old so no maternity leave for me!!!!! Maybe i should demand maternity leave from my "employer" my husband and he can get a skinny sweedish nanny for 6 months!! I'm sure he'd go for that :rotfl:
I've just got 3 day weeks over the next 2 weeks then I finish when I'll be 29 weeks. I'm a childminder and getting really tired. DD was prem so I want to take it easy and make the most of mat' leave!

For the first 5 weeks we've got rellies from NZ staying (not with us) so we'll see a lot of them. Other than that, I want to sort out my photos (print off digital photos and do CD back ups) I've also got to do my tax return asap. And shop for Bubs. And get the nursery ready.

What about you?
It's my last day tomorrow and cannot wait :cheer:

I am actually very bored, I have handed all my work over and don't even have a desk so I am just kind of making the place look messy!
my last day in the office is the 21st september, and then hopefully have 4 weeks of sorting stuff before LO makes an appearance...
I've just got 3 day weeks over the next 2 weeks then I finish when I'll be 29 weeks. I'm a childminder and getting really tired. DD was prem so I want to take it easy and make the most of mat' leave!

For the first 5 weeks we've got rellies from NZ staying (not with us) so we'll see a lot of them. Other than that, I want to sort out my photos (print off digital photos and do CD back ups) I've also got to do my tax return asap. And shop for Bubs. And get the nursery ready.

What about you?
It's my last day tomorrow and cannot wait :cheer:

I am actually very bored, I have handed all my work over and don't even have a desk so I am just kind of making the place look messy!
my last day in the office is the 21st september, and then hopefully have 4 weeks of sorting stuff before LO makes an appearance...
I'm (hopefully!) starting at October half term in about 5 weeks time. Until then I have to find 5 weeks worth of supply teaching so that we can pay the mortgage! Still awaiting the SMP1 form back from Torbay Council after having to send my MAT B1 form into them even though they wont be paying my maternity pay. Having to go the Maternity Allowance route as not contracted to any job having done supply teaching for the past year. What a faff!
Wow! some of you guys are starting really early :shock: I had no idea when to finish work, but had to tell them 15 weeks before the date I wanted to start maternity leave, so went for 2 Nov - I'll be 37 weeks & 1 day. Although, I do have 13 days annual leave to take before I finish, so having every Monday and Tues off from 24th Sept :D
Well done to those of you that feel they can work on. I'm really tired and just feel I'd be better starting my mat leave asap.

I am having to claim maternity allowance as well as occupational maternity pay as I am a low wage earner. It was a lot of hastle and not very straight forward as my employer pays so much then the government makes up the rest. I'm so pleased that it's all sorted now. xxx
Hope I haven't been too optimistic in thinking I'll still be able to keep going until 37 weeks :( I just don't understand why some companies want you to tell them so early into your pregnancy re when you want to finish. I'm tired a lot of the time as well, but mainly coz I'm not sleeping properly at night (damn toilet trips!) -

Hmm ..... :think:
NIE said:
Well done to those of you that feel they can work on. I'm really tired and just feel I'd be better starting my mat leave asap.

I am having to claim maternity allowance as well as occupational maternity pay as I am a low wage earner. It was a lot of hastle and not very straight forward as my employer pays so much then the government makes up the rest. I'm so pleased that it's all sorted now. xxx

I hope you donj't mind me asking but I was interested to see what you term as a low wage earner.

I only earn about 110 pounds a week, or something similar, but because that is spread over term time so I get the same even though I don't work the holidays I only earn about 94 pounds a week. Do you know if your employer has to work out your maternity pay on the amount you earn weekly or pro rata.? I kind of trusted my boss when she said she thinks I will get about a hundred pounds a week, and I'm starting to wonder if I should have found out more about this before hand. In my contract it says they pay SMP.

Any advice??
My last day is tomorrow...WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO :cheer:

I wont know what to do with myself... everything is prepared for baby coming... Its flown by... I think it'll go really slow once im off!!
Hi Valley Girl. xxx

I only work 10 hours per week which means I earn £285 per month.

The job centre plus wrote to me to tell me that they were going to pay me £62 per week in maternity allowance.

It gets really complicated when you work part time so I would suggest that you get some advice from your local CAB office as You could just fall into a different entitlement category. You want to make sure that you get everything you are entitled to.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Have you tried googling maternity rights and benefits. xxx

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