maternity leave advice


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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hiya - looking for some advice on maternity pay and rights etc - any input would be appreciated as i feel like im hitting a brick wall on the directgov website!

i am 25 weeks pregnant, i believe i cant start maternity leave until 29 weeks??

basically, i HATE my job and my boss and i cannot stand being around her and working for her any longer. she stresses me out too much and i really dont need it. i have no intention of returning to work there (am i right in thinking i can hand my notice in whilst on maternity leave and not have to pay anything?)

how much notice do i need to give my work that i am going on maternity leave?

im currently off work and have been signed off until monday and i am dreading going back on tuesday!

can i leave in 4 weeks!? i dont even have my MATB1 form yet should i get that from the MW asap? do i need it when i tell my boss i intend to start maternity pay?

i think im rambling not sure how much of this makes sense, just getting my knickers in a twist with it all!!

thanks xx
hahah Im stalking you on threads tonight lol

I would stick out the 4 weeks....go on maternity leave and then write to them towards the end of the maternity leve tell them you're not going back!!! I know four weeks is a long time but if you get maternity pay it's worth it and then I think you have to let them know 4 or 8 weeks before if you're not going back!!!

Yes you can start maternity at 29 weeks :) if you are claiming MA from the government it will automatically start at 29 if you are unemployed at that time x
if it is going to stress you out - go back to doc and get signed off for the remainder of the time but if you can face it go back and just count down the days until you can get away from her!

has some good info, look at the section about telling your employer. pay attention to he section that reads

" you must write and tell your employer about your pregnancy and your plans no later than 15 weeks before your baby is due."

have you done this?
if it is going to stress you out - go back to doc and get signed off for the remainder of the time but if you can face it go back and just count down the days until you can get away from her!

has some good info, look at the section about telling your employer. pay attention to he section that reads

" you must write and tell your employer about your pregnancy and your plans no later than 15 weeks before your baby is due."

have you done this?

Thanks for that, ill have a look on there. I sent an e-mail to HR about 6 weeks ago and told them i was planning on starting my maternity leave on 28th October.. I will rewrite and tell them it will be sooner.

good idea about getting a sicknote from the dr... i really cant face her! pathetic isnt it!!! i feel like i should man up but i really dont have the energy to deal with her pathetic ways and inappropriate comments!!!
Check out your employers maternity package!
If they have a good maternity package and pay more then what the government says they have to you may have to repay some £££ if you dont return to work for them.
Do u have any holiday entitlement to take? U could maybe take some b4 starting ur leave xx
Thanks girls!

I spoke to HR today and have arranged to take 2 weeks holiday starting from 19th August and then maternity leave starts at 29 weeks on 2nd Sept

If I go on sick until 19th August i will only get SSP as she is stopping my pay as from tuesday so i am going to have to stick it out for 7 days!

ah well roll on 19th august i cant wait!!!
wahoooo no more work for me!!!

work have actually agreed to pay me full pay until 18th august and then i can take the 2 weeks holiday and then start maternity!!! so happy!!

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