Maternity Clothes


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I bought a few pairs of maternity jeans - the ones with the big elasticated bit from hip to tummy - from Gap Maternity when I was in the States this summer, but I just can't wear them! I keep trying, but the fit is so wierd I have to keep pulling them up all day. I'm still wearing my pre-pregnancy hipster jeans - with an expanda button thingy for a bit of extra room - but don't know how much longer that will last.

I have been wearing the tops I got and have ordered a few more t-shirts from top shop as they're great and I'm sure I'll keep wearing them after the birth.

How are others managing? Do you find maternity jeans comfortable? Did I get the wrong kind? Are the ones with elasticated sides better?

I'm just a bit concerned that the hipsters won't last me much longer as the bump gets bigger? Will the bump grow more downwards or just upwards?
I got a pair of Maternity jeans from NEXT and I still have to wear a belt to stop them falling down from my bum. I've lost that lovely curve where my hips used to be and am now straight!! :lol: They are stretchy side panel ones but have belt loops and with the belt on you can't even tell they are maternity - thank goodness! Can you put a belt on your maternity jeans?

I also have a pair of overbump turntop jersey trousers from NEXT. They are just plain brown and the top panel folds over. You can wear the waistband bit different ways throughout your pregnany and they are SOOOOOO comfortable. I wanted to stay away from anything other than underbump, but I do love these trousers, and not bad at about £17 a pair. They come in black, brown and aubergine (sp?!)

As for how your bump will grow, I can't help you hun. Mine hasn't grown out for a couple of weeks now, just up, down and sideways! :shock: but it might start going out again soon. Bumps are all different.

Hope that helps as regards maternity wear a bit though xx
Sami, I have one of those pairs of next trousers with the foldover top bit from next. they are sooooo comfortable aren't they!

Must say though, that in my opinion, maternity jeans that are comfy enough to slob around in, but also look good don't exist. I am still trying though! I have ordered a pair from next today with elastic side panels and I'll see how I get on with them.

I do have a pair from dorothy perkins which cost me £35 :shock: . A lot for something that is worn for so little and I have to say, they look great on but I don't get on with them at all. I cannot sit down in them and the leg length is so long they drag on the ground. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I am looking forward to the day when I can get back into my old jeans, whenever that will be :?:
Maternity wear which looks good - whats that ? :roll: :lol:

I tried my pre-pregnancy jeans on the other day to see if my bum and hips were still the same size, and if it was honestly just my bump which is growing as people keep telling me - and they are lying! :cry: (20minute hysterical crying came next :roll: )

I miss my Warehouse jeans - they are tiny now though - I can't even picture getting back into them.
I know what you mean Sami

This 'thigh-thickening' thing is natural apparently.

I got the biggest slap in the face in the first month! Before I had even started putting on weight my thighs were all bloated and covered in cellulite! I have been told that if we are successful at breastfeeding then the cellulite on the thighs is used first. If we aren't successful, then god help us!

I bought one of those belly belt things to extend my normal jeans for a bit but unfortunately it didn't work because they wouldn't even go up over my thighs let alone my belly! I was absolutely gutted and I can still see the image now! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I went from a size 14 to a 16 in the space of a weekend!

This total-body experience thing is pretty frightening!
i have those jersey trousers from next as well! i love them!!!

my maternity jeans keep falling down too... got some from dotty p, but they were awful, the jersey panel stopped mid-bump! so i stitched on some new jersey fabric thinking it would be better if they were completely over-bump. WRONG! and now i can't even take them back as i've altered them! got a pair for £10 from asda which stay up, but i'm not keen on the colour or cut, as i feel a bit mumsy in them... finally got a pair when i was in norway which also slide down a little but not as much so am happier with them, they are a really nice colour as well. the under-bump styles are a no-go for me, as my straight hips can't keep them up and i end up showing off my bumcrack!!! charming!!

i'm now trying to figure out what to wear for xmas as i'll be 34 1/2 weeks pregnant by then.... want to show off my bump, as at least i'll not have to suck my tummy in after xmas dinner or wear control top tights/magic knickers this year!! but i don't want to pay through my nose either... hmmmm, dilemma!
I know tell me about it. I've gone from an 8-10 to a 12-14 and I wish I knew how! Feel like I got hit with the orange peel stick too.

I had the same experience with the belly belt - finally got one, got it home, couldnt fit in trousers - not a happy bunny. :evil:

I am praying breast feeding works for me. At least expressing - will that do the same thing?! We still can't do anything near a diet though whilst we breast feed so the weight will have to drop off by it's own accord and 'eating healthily'.

Ho hum :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one having problems with maternity wear! As with so much of this stuff, you can feel like you're the only one with the problem!

But it sounds like I'm really lucky to be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans - I don't know what I'd do otherwise - so I guess I'll quit whinging and get on with it ;o)

I'm thinking of investing in a good pair of boots and wearing peasanty style dresses when I get bigger. I'm not happy with the idea of pregnancy tights though as I suppose they'll have to be huge to fit over the top of the bump.

I am dreading Xmas period as I will be 8 months pregnant on Xmas day, I then have new Years to face a week later, and 5days after that is my birthday - so I'm going to have to try and find a outfit I can wear for all occasions near the end without spending all the Xmas money in the process! It does seem a shame to spend so much money on buying something 'nice' that late into the pregnancy, but I know if I don't I'll be sat everyday crying my eyes out telling my OH I'm huge and I feel awful coz my clothes don't fit me and I'm sick of wearing the ones which do. I just want to be able to throw something different on, know it fits me and know I look nice! :( I live in my 2 pairs of Next trousers and about 4 maternity tops I have.

The excitement of being able to fit in maternity wear has REALLY gone for me now. :(
You know I didn't really think about the whole maternity wear thing that much until it was too late! I certainly didn't rush out to buy maternity clothes or anything like that, but I'd seen pregnant ladies around and they looked fine in their maternity jeans! I guess I should've asked my pregnant friends how they coped, but they both have gorgeous babies now and have probably forgotten the pain of maternity wear along with the pain of birth ;o)

I actually love my pregnant shape now that I've got a proper bump - wasn't so keen when I just looked a bit tubby round the middle - but the clothes business is a real pain!
I feel like everything I'm reading I have written myself. I agree with everything on here. Where do you get Topshop maternity clothes from, I've never seen them in there, do you have to order from a catalogue like NEXT?
Topshop have a website with their full range on. I got 2 pairs of combat style linen trews and they are fab, ahve lasted me thoughout pregnancy and as they are underbump will be able to wear them for that "awkward" in between stage after. However as I wear them constantly I am not as excited by that as I was. Topshop do have some fab stuff but they have made me angry lately. I am 6' and always buy their tall range. My fave jeans are my mooch ones, but had to stop wearing them when 5 months pregnant. They had tall maternity mooch jeans on the website until the day I went to buy some and now they tell me that they will pass on mycomments to their designers to take into account for their next collection. Yeah, thanks a lot. No nice pregnancy baggy jeans, though mens jeans can be good for maternity. I have struggled non stop as tall people don't have babies, it seem all the long trousers are 32'' I need 36''. Have finished work now so will just be wearing my duvet cover as it is the only thing that fits now. When I see all the nice clothes in the shops now I just want to cry :cry:
I have the same problem but the other way round, I'm really little, 5'2" and can't find anything short enough, although I suppose I have the option of having them taken up, but I do feel for you.
Its really bad if you are not the average height. I guess you will be having the same fun and games trying to find clothes that fit your frame. As if it isn't hard enough finding nice maternity clothes that don't cost a fortune, I then find something only to find its around my ankles or won't stay over my bump as I am just too long.

Stil hopefully soon I will be wearing my prepregnancy jeans (she says crossing her fingers)!!!
that's such a coincidence!!! I have alos been looking for a new pair of jeans for the last 2 weeks, and have finally found one!!!
in a shop called QD (kind of bazaar store, where you find everything!)
They were £9.99 and the clolour was not too bad! didn't want one of those jeans with stitches all over, which probably look very cool for young and slim women, but not for me, thanks!!! :?

I went from a size 10/12 to a size 14/16!!!! How frightening! :shock:

Otherwise, I went to New look, and overthere, they have a range of jeans which cost £15 and aren't too bad. They also exist in "30 or "32, which is helpfull when small like me!
I'd rather buy "normal jeans" than maternity one, because just like most of you, I can't feel comfy in the underbump ones, I also can't stop pulling them up! :)
I gather the ones with elastic on the sides are more comfortable but could not spend the money, really!!! what, £40 for a pair of jeans I am not gonna wear that long???? NEVER! :evil:

So, my £10 jeans from QD will definitely do! and if I need a new pair for Xmas, then, I will buy another pair for £10!!!

mel xx
I bought a " bundle" of maternity clothes on EBAY for 28 quid inc delivery, all mothercare or next, some H&M, i love my new figure its great!! mind you i was never an 8-10 like you Sami! lol! the clothes were second hand not that you could tell, they were really smart got a lovely black "going out" top must worth atleast 4o quid and black trews worth the same, next jeans are lovely, i really like over the bump stuff cos it makes my bump look more round and lovely! havent had too much of a prob with tops, have only put on 4lbs (still!?? should i be worried??) so not too much bigger on top.
For Xmas i got a black wrap over dress in mother care sale, for a whopping £7! bargin, it great too. so thats xmas and new year sorted. anfd all the xmas parties hope it washes well...its going to get a lot of wear lol.
H&M is meant to be great for cheap maternity clothes that are a bit more fashionable, we dont have on in Hull do we Kim? gettin one in a year or so, wehhhheyy!
hels said:
I bought a " bundle" of maternity clothes on EBAY for 28 quid inc delivery, all mothercare or next, some H&M, i love my new figure its great!! mind you i was never an 8-10 like you Sami! lol!

LOL - I sure ain't no more if that makes you feel better!! :lol: so much for buying pre-pregnancy size - welcome to 12-14 Sami :? I don't mind too much - just as long as the stuff looks alright on. Size isn't everything.

Sounds like you got a bargain though mate - I never even thought of looking on Ebay for Maternity gear *goes in search now*.

I wouldn't worry too much about the weight hun - I was 9st 4lb before I got PG, now I am about 9st10lb. Not much of a change - it is increasing now though as bubby gets heavier quicker. Your just a bit behind me so I'm sure it will catch up soon. The last 2 weeks I have felt very heavy indeed.

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