maternity allowance


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Just a quicky to the ladies who are claiming maternity allowance...

how soon after claiming did you receive your response, i.e. a confirmation of your allowance?

just trying to work out when I should hand in my notice :think:

thank you in anticipation ladies :hug:
Hi there - it does take a while - will you get maternity pay or allowance as the allowance is more complicated. You need to prove your earnings and send in payslips etc. They then send you a form and you decide when you want to begin leave up to 11 weeks before baby is due or when baby comes!). You need to tell your employer 15 weeks before baby is due and produce a MAT1 certificate - just in case that bump isn't obvious by now!
Good luck!
i applied for mine a mth before I was due to pop and left work the same day!

u have to produce ur 13weeks wages where u have earnt the most and they will work out what u are entitled to each week! i had it for 26weeks but i think its gone up?

ur matB1 is crucial, the Inland Revenue need that!!!
Thank you ladies.

Yes, it is def maternity allowance as I left my banking job to move to Oxford in July and intended to get a job here.

However, on landing here, we found that I was pregnant anyway :D

Therefore, I took on a temp job until the baby is born, hence no smp :(

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