MAT B1 forms


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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guys, can I ask - when did you get your MAT B1 form?
I just had an argument with my midwife because she refused to give me mine saying it was too early and they won't give them out until you're 30 weeks (as if!).
here comes the rant . . . ..
I hate it when they assume you're an idiot! She kept saying I was too early in my pregnancy and you don't get it until you're in your 3rd trimester at 30 weeks over and over. I was like - 30 weeks = 3rd trimester?? Does she think I don't know it's week 27?? Does she think I'm not counting the weeks religiously on the pregnancyforum??
So now I don't know what to do, my company need the form by week 25 at the latest! I guess I'll ring HR up and try to sort out a compromise.

Also, while the rant is on, has everyone been measured against their dates, like waist measurements or fundus? Because I haven't had that yet and would really like an idea of whether I'm on track or not. hmmm. It’s a fact, my midwife sucks. :roll:
:shock: Sorry to hear your mid wife is a tube! I'm hopeing to get mine at my next appointment, cause I too need to hand mine to HR by wee 25!
I was told you don't get it until 26 weeks 30 weeks seems a bit to far away I'm seeing my mw on Tuesday and will ask for it then.

At my last visit I was 19+ weeks and she measured my bump (I was 2cm over) but she said it doesn't normally mean anything until after 24 weeks - they reckon all babies grow at the same rate untill 24 weeks but then all hell breaks loose when their gentics kick in and they grow differently (the sonographer said this too!)
30 weeks is no good because your supposed to give it in 15 weeks before your due date, well thats what my work told me and i work for NHS? I got mine at 24 weeks this is when your baby is classed as viable and even if the worst happened you are still entitled to your maternity leave, she sounds like a muppet! :shakehead: Dont have any of it put your foot down she's only a midwife!! Get on the phone say your company are demanding it! I was told if it isn't in by week 25 it can effect your rights under the "giving maternity notice act" I also had to tell them at this point when i intend to take my leave and then they have to reply in writing to tell you your entitlement hope this helps Rachx
I never get mine till i get to 28 weeks, right no wonder work have been asking me for it :wall:

i think it depends on the area as well though, going to ask for mine soon :hug:
My midwife mentioned to me that it should be done between 24 to 28 weeks however i dont work so didnt really pay much attention :oops:
According to the Department of Work and Penisons website (a Government body) MATB1 certificates can be issued from 20 weeks before the expected week of birth.

Maybe you could print out a copy of this website info and show to your midwife if you're still having trouble getting the certificate.
I was told they were issued on or after the 24 week appointment, not before. I forgot to ask at my 24 week appointment but you can get one from your GP so book an appointment with him/her they will be able to give you one also.
do any of your other pregnancy notes have you EDD or EWC recorded on them if yes then your employers may be ok with taking a copy of that if you still have problems with your midwife.
i have a week thing i gotta go by nd if your over 20weeks then u can get a MB1form. i was 20weeks and 3 or 4days when i got mine from hospital.

when u went hosp did u not get one then when u went for a 20weeks scan? If not ring them up or pop in and see them and ask them if u can have one as your work wants one by certain time.
I got mine on Monday; maybe it's different in Scotland but here you can definetely get it from 20 weeks. The earlier post about informing your employer 15 weeks before baby is due applies UK wide xx
Just to concur with what most of the other ladies have written... I was under the impression your employer had to have this before week 25 to work out your SMP etc. I had mine at the 20 week appt.

If your MW won't issue it can you get it from your GP instead? That's who wrote mine anyway as my MW was on holiday when I had my 20 week appt.

I got my fundus measured twice at the surgery by the GP and once by the MW. The GP told me what it was whereas the MW just wrote it down. :wall: At the hospital I was measured again when I had a bleed at 21 weeks. There apparently I was "big for dates" but now I'm back on track. :think:

Maybe your MW has forgotten what she's supposed to do! LOL
Hey everybody,
thanks for the replies! I've spoken to work and I think they can work around me not having the form in time. It's a real hassle for me to try and get it from them by trying again - I work 200 miles from home so I'm not usually here monday to friday. And I'm in the middle of moving house so there'll be a short (I hope) time where I'll be 'between homes' and not able to get back here to my midwife.
heyho, as long as I have a home before august I'll be sweet!
Just reading through my notes from the midwife (I have my scan today!!) and it clearly states there that the midwife should give you the MAT B1 forms at 20 weeks! Doesn't apply to me but thought this might be of help.

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