MAT B1 Forms


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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I know you get these when your 21 weeks but where from? I stupidly forgot to ask my midwife at my apt :wall: Do you get them from the midwife? because im not seeing her again until im 25 weeks :( Is there any way i can get it sooner?
Laurababs said:
I know you get these when your 21 weeks but where from? I stupidly forgot to ask my midwife at my apt :wall: Do you get them from the midwife? because im not seeing her again until im 25 weeks :( Is there any way i can get it sooner?

You don't hand them in until after you're 24 weeks if I remember correctly and before 26 weeks so your next appointment should be fine. This may not be correct information though as I've had a baby since I dealt with all that :rotfl:

Also there should be a number on which you can contact your midwife (or at the very least, your doctor) so give them a call and ask? I forgot to ask for mine at my 24 week checkup (by which time I actually needed it) and they just bunged it in the post to me.
Thank You for the advice :) I think I will give midwife a ring in a few weeks. The latest i think you can hand it in is 15 weeks before EDD which would be 25 weeks so im cutting it short abit if i wait.
I think you can get them any time after your 20 week scan. It's just a form where MW signs and puts on your EDD for claiming maternity pay through work or allowance from the government if you're not entitled to anything from your employer :)
Thanks allycat :) Why they cant just stick it in the post to you i dont know, it would make things alot easier.
You get it from your midwife. You should see her at 20 weeks anyway so you should get it then. Don't forget to ask your MW about the £190 healthy eating grant form aswell, if you haven't already done that. :)
She said i wont see her next until 25 weeks :( But i will be going to the hospital at 20 weeks for my scan. I totally forgot about the Healthy Eating Grant too, after hearing my babies heartbeat all the questions just went right out of my head! :oops: I shall have to write them down next time.
There's no way I was going to risk not getting in on time as I would be stuffed. I was told it HAD to be in by end of my 25th week so I rang my MW nd she left it at reception for me to collect when I was 21 weeks.
There are so many forms we have to get sorted and with baby brain you always forget to ask haha! :D Been told they're not issuing the health in pregnancy grant forms until March. My docs surgery did tell me that as long as the MW has seen you recently and verified you're pregnant (in your last appointment) she can fill out the MAT B1 form and you can pick it up in reception. Might be worth trying that and seeing if you can get any of the other forms sorted as well.

It would be easier if they just did it all by post lol! :wink: xxx
As far as I know all you are obliged to do is tell your employer you are pregnant at 25 weeks, not hand in the MATB1. Most places don't seem to give them out before 24 weeks. I didn't get mine until I was around 28 weeks, I'd told them at 25 weeks that I was pregnant and my work were absolutely fine with it.
contact your middy...

i gave mine in about 2 days before I was 25 weeks. Its not cutting it close... but work can supposedly be funny if you are late with your forms. Think its more if you're planning on earlier mat leave etc. surely she could post ya one!?x

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