Massively broody!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
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I am so broody it's ridiculous! I don't want to wish the time away because I have so many things to look forward to (which should be keeping my mind off babies) but with my sister, sister in law and cousin all due within 2-7 weeks it's taking over!

How is everyone else coping with wtt?

It's so stupid, I was even reading the birth stories and looking forward to doing it again and I had a horrid labour! Haha
I'm totally with you!! I was fine until we lost an early bean last month, and in the same month 2 of my friends annouced theyre pregnant, a dear friend had a teeny baby girly and my sister in law had her son, there are pregnant women and newborns all over my church and friend circle and im now super broody!!! Need to wait though MUST WAIT!!! lol we have puppies due to be born to my working springer a week monday so baby is on the back boiler for definite until pups are being homed, cant be super sick and weak with 2 kids, puppies and the other dog, pig, chickens and rabbits to tend to. too much! lol i feel your pain though, im super super broody! when will you TTC? hopefully the christmas wait will go fast for you! x
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I have a holiday booked in June and am trying to calculate when the earliest we can ttc will be based on my being able to fly until 28 weeks!

I am stupidly broody.

Not sure if it is because James is reaching a milestone Birthday - will see how I feel afterwards

Not til October next year! It seems so far away but only 11months!
The funny thing is I disliked being pregnant and didn't have such an easy labour but can not wait to do it again! Hopefully will appreciate it so much more now I know!
Hi, A2M we were pregnant at the same time last time. Hope you and Ollie are well. I am the same, so broody. DH and I were going to ttc again in September 2014 but I really don't think I can wait that long, trying to bring it forward a bit.
Hi mustard! Ok we'll be pregnant at the same time again then! :)
It's seems forever away but when you know it's christmas next month, the new year will be here and it'll be time to ttc!
Time flies anyway when you have kids, you'll be ready to have another little bubba in no time :)
My sister In law had her baby girl today! I am so happy to have anoth niece And I am also so jealous! I think mainly because she got to have the delivery she wanted...waited at home then went to hospital she was fully dilated when she arrived and then baby came pretty much straight away and now she has this tiny little baby! But on the flip side I'm so proud of her for being able to do it all so well!
I swear my emotions are everywhere right now (pretty obvious AF is due this weekend) haha
Yes, I am stupidly broody! And not allowed to TTC until Feb 2015!! :faint:

I keep googling baby names! :oooo:
Momo...I'm not gonna lie...that seems ages away! Hopefully will fly by!

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