March testing thread

Bfn again!! Boobs are so sore,i really thought i might have been lucky and fell straight away but now losing confidence,feel i would have got a bfp by now if i was even if it was faint. The days are really dragging waiting!!
Can i be changed to the 24th please :) x

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Another bfn here today. AF due tomorrow so will see what it brings but not feeling confident. Ahhh i cant take the waiting!
We're going to be out again. Didn't dtd in my fertile window or any window for that matter... starting to feel like I should be in the wtc forums instead, OH always has something going on that prevents us from trying. Extremely stressed over this...

Good luck to those still waiting/trying and Congratulations to the BFPs.
Hiya, we are taking a month off so I can be taken off the list too. Thanks good luck everyone who will be testing this month x
Still no af but bfn!! Im a day late now but no sign of af but also not even a faint line on tests. Thinking maybe im just having a longer cycle,usually im 28 days but maybe ill come on tomorrow and have a 30 day cycle this month. Was convinced i was having symptoms but very crampy now and feels like its coming. Hope others are doing better!
Af is here lol thought I'd just ovd as had awful ov pains and ewcm..this is what my cycle did before Immy so hope its just a fluke xx

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Tested today bfn, stupidly i tested Friday night on a whim with a cb easy and i had the faintest of lines. Really got my hopes up but today was a frer, so my fate's pretty much sealed. No AF yet but can feel it's on way, struggling today to remain upbeat and i don't even have any wine in the house to numb the misery! And on top of that I'm watching My Sisters Keeper! Joy!
This hasn't been a good month for most of us. Let's try and stay positive ladies :)
Anyone doing the April testing thread? (I gladly volunteer if not?) Match was a dud month for me too :(
I'm officially out, witch arrived last night.

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