Male midwife on one born every minute!! No thanks


Active Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Is it just me or does anyone else think havning a male midwife weird!!

I wouldnt dare allow a male midwife near me and the bf wouldnt allow it either, u
Yes ino you can have male midwifes but i dont think any man of a pregnant partner would allow another man to touch his partner like that.

Do any of you think the same? And for the record im not pregnant as i had my period lastweek but still guna try
I had an assisted delivery with my last baby, she was delivered by a male consultant (and he had to attach a heart monitor to her head before she was born), didn't think anything of it, no different to a male midwife really. x
I wouldn't mind; I asked my husband last night and he said he'd be OK with it as well x
It really would not bother me. My doctor who does smears is male and I dont think anything sexual about it! When my son was born, the consultant was male and there was also another guy and I never gave it a moment's thought....
I ant bothered tbh, most off the consultants are men aswell and I wud never but myself or baby at risk by refussing them, regardless if other half didn't like it x
i really liked him, he was lovely!
It was a male doctor that delivered Noa (it became a bit of an emergency so an doctor had to come) and i never thought anythin of it, well i was to destressed to care but i wouldnt have minded if i knew before.
OH didnt mind either, he was just impressed how quickly the doctor came and brought his son out to the world alive, that whats most important.
I'd have him over some of the female midwives I've met any day. I think he was so lovely and caring..
I was so touched when he started welling up talking about child birth. Shows that he really loves what he does and I thought he was really nice, I'd have been happy to have him anyday. I ended up having problems having my son so my male gyn/obs was called in and delivered him with forceps and cut me and sewed me up. Tbh by that time (37 hours in labour) I couldn't have given a toss who delivered him I just wanted him out safe and sound. And I'd been to him for all of my scans anyway and he'd had to swab me everytime due to my membrane tearing in my first pg so he'd seen it all before!
I'd have him over some of the female midwives I've met any day. I think he was so lovely and caring..
Me too!
And I much prefer male gynaecologists, they are more gentle. I've found both midwifes I've seen during my pregnancy to tend to belittle me because I haven't had baby yet. They actually really do my head in!

It wouldnt bother me, as with above posts, i have had male dr doing smear as he is more gentle and it isnt painful. It isnt at all sexual, it is his job, he does it everyday xx
i spoke to hubby about this tonight and we have the same feelings- if i was in that much pain and male midwife could help bring baby safely then we would be fully happy! gutted i missed one born every minute due to nights :((
It wouldn't bother me . its his job he's trained and that is all im concerned about , my GP is male he does my smear tests and I have endomitriosis so I have discussed very intimate issues about my sex life with him . If my last MW was as kinda and patient as him and listened to me then I may have had an easier birth .
Although Im sure that had nothing to do with being male . I do wonder though , if you didnt want a male MW and it wasn't for religious reasons would they allow you to change ? because surely your asking them to sexually discriminate , and I do feel a woman should be allowed to change if she really wants to as she needs to feel comfortable during labour as its a very difficult time .
i spoke to hubby about this tonight and we have the same feelings- if i was in that much pain and male midwife could help bring baby safely then we would be fully happy! gutted i missed one born every minute due to nights :((
You'll find it on 4od website hun:hugs:
Are of course i wouldnt mind if baby was in any kind of danger bt threw the whole pregnancy i dont think i would like it but if baby was in danger then yes
i had a male midwife, he was awesome! gay as they come mind, but he was a right laugh x

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