Makeup and housework :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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A couple of questions...

If you wear makeup were you still able to wear it when going out with your newborn? Ie did you have time to do it?

Also what happens about housework and doing the dinner and stuff, I normally cook alot of dinners from scratch unsure how that would work with a bub needing my attension...
in the first couple of weeks i couldnt really be bothered about putting my make up on or doing my hair (usually i would NEVER go without make up even if i was in doors all day) as i was still tired and healing after birth but now im back to normal i still put it on every day. having a newborn takes up most of your time but it is still important to have a little bit of time for yourself, it helps you to feel human again and like a woman and not just a mother
A newborn sleeps a lot at first, but after a few weeks they stay awake for longer and longer. I couldnt be arsed doing my make up and stuff at first but i still had time to do it, just take the baby into the room with you whilst you do it, or so it when they are sleeping.
The thing i find hardest is when to shower as i have to do it quickly whilst Evie is sleeping, and then just take her into the bedroom whilst i dry my hair etc.

Plus the cooking thing, im not sure about. At first we hardly ever ate, its like we forgot we had to feed ourselves. Then when we did manage to eat we were eating really late at night by the time she got a bottle and settled and then tea was ready. Thats only just started to calm down now that she can entertain herself whilst we eat.
Hope that helps :D
alana always slept ALOT!!! i had time to do every thing. I wouldnt panic, you probably wont be bothered with the make up, but there was plenty of time to sort a meal out each day.
i never wear make up except when i am gong on a night out but you will proboly find that you do have time to do it i always find time to do my hair with the straighteners, when they are litttle they will sleep and then by the time they are old enough to be awake they will watch you, i find that works with cooking Conal sits and watches me and Willow sits in the frount room watching tv when i am cooking.

I also get a shower when Conal has his morning nap and Willow entertains herself if he's not asleep i bring him into the bathroom and he watches me there too.

Don't worry you will both work around each either most days :lol:

I have found that if I can I try and prepare the meal in the morning as Tilly wakes up and then tends to go back to sleep for an hour, she dosnt sleep much else during the day. she has just started to be happy watching me whilst I'm doing things as well.

I dont wear make up but I do have a shower and wash my hair every day, even if I dont get a chance til mid-morning

Ironing I often do at 7 in the morning after giving her her 1st feed and housework!!!!, quick sweep up and flick with the duster at mo.

as the others have said dont stress you'll work out your own routines
I never wear makeup anyway so that's not an issue for me but even if I did there would be time.

Dinners - yes there's time, say a little one wakes every 3 hours or so for about an hour, that gives you another 2 in between. Just as an example. And there's nothing to stop you leaving them crying for 5 mins while you stick something frozen in the microwave or the oven. If you're worried about it, do a batch towards the end of 3rd tri, and freeze it, so you can just take out 1 x meal and reheat it and voila food is done :)

You'll be fine chick, life changes, but doesn't stop, when you have your little one, and you'll always find time for things.

I always wear makeup to go out and you will have time as you build it into your routine, I like to put makeup on because it makes me feel better, I have got it down to a fine art, I put thomas on the bed with a pillow either side of him so he can see me and go for it, sometimes if he is screaming bertie beetroot I only have time for the basics but it is better than nothing - if I look good he look good!!!! :rotfl:
You girls are brilliant thanks so much for the advice and the tips :)

Can i also ask, to those that are Breastfeeding do you find you need to eat more often??

Sorry for asking so many questions its just your the best to know this stuff...


I never wear make-up and that's a good thing as Isaac never left much time for anything, other than a quick tidy up and some tea..but some LO's sleep a lot more, so you may have more free time, I guess its a work in progress, you and your LO will find your own routine :)
As for cooking from scratch, in the early days 'd try and get it done once a week, but we had a few take out nights!! Now it's so much more easier Isaac has a bedtime :D With breastfeeding it's important you drink lots of fluids and have as much fresh food as possible, but obviously just do the best you can, as your LO will take all your goodness and leave you tired :hug:
I don't tend to wear make up much anyway so having a newborn hasn't changed that but honestly I don't think I'd have time to sit and do all that just to spent the day at home etc, not these first few weeks anyway. LO is now 3 weeks old and I'm getting into more of a routine etc so it might be easier now but not those first few weeks.

Like you I cook every night, proper meals, nothing microwaved etc, all fresh veggies etc - I've only really started cooking again this week and it's much simpler dishes, i.e. spag bol, jacket potatoes with salad and chicken/steak etc - I've still not quite got the time to do the preperation work for nice lasagnas or shepards pies etc but it's getting better. The first few weeks we have had take aways, microwave meals and so forth.
I have eczema, so wearing make-up is a no go for me at the moment with being pregnant. My LO has taken every inche of goodness from me, so the littlest bit of make-up, sets my skin off :( To be honest, it's also hot here and there is no point putting make-up on, as it would come straight off lol

As for the mum suggested something very useful the other day. In your last week, you could make a few big meals, like lasagne, sheppards pie etc, then seperate them and place them in the frezzer, that way, when you find yourself busy, you can just take them out and place them in the over, no problems.

As for breast feeding, I am intending to do this, my friend said she still had a strong appetite but breast feeding made her tired, I suppose it's a lot of energy? Anyhow, she told me, as long as you have a healhty/stesdy and balance diet and regular, you should be fine. But to stay away from things that could cause food allergies in the baby i.e. nuts etc.

Dunno if any other mothers have heard that?
I'm not big on make up, but there's always time if you are. As for cooking, I never cook! My OH does everything!

He's a much better cook than I am.

He was always very hands on with the babies and housework, so we shared most of the work in the beginning.

You'll be fine!
for the first 2 weeks it kind of feels like youve been out clubbing all weekend- ur head will be mashed! think its from the sleepless nites! i found it was 3 weeks b4 i started doing housework again, in the meantime my mum helped me tho, and she cooked some meals too.

make-up is easier coz it only takes 5 minutes. i put a bit on the day after i gave birth for the trip 2 hosp to see the paediatrician!
Sod it im putting my makeup on when i go into labour llol!

Thanks for all the great replies ladies!

Sharne said:
Sod it im putting my makeup on when i go into labour llol!

Thanks for all the great replies ladies!


haha i put make-up on in labour and straightened my hair (with lots of pauses for contractions lol!) i didnt stay looking good very long!
I always tried to put on a bit of make-up in the mornings but as for making dinners for about the first 3 wks it was usually around 9pm before we had a opportunity with no visitors that we could actually think about dinner. My advice...stock up on take-away menus :D
I managed a bit of eyeliner in the early days after George was born but that was about it really. I couldn't be bothered with anything else to be honest.

As for dinners my OH did most of the cooking for the first couple of weeks whilst he was on paternity leave and I was recovering from the CS. For the last 2 weeks though I've done it all and am now in a routine of preparing meals either the night before or when George is napping during the day.

When I was bf totally (not doing both as I am now) I was really more hungry and thirsty than normal. I made sure I ate more fruit and drank lots of water.
I always made sure I was looking my best at all times - hair and make up done and tried to work it round the baby so waited until the baby was asleep then did it

As for housework, I wouldn't worry too much about it, just try concentrating on you and the LO

Have a chat with your OH and see what he says :hug:

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