Major bloating and tiredness.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I am soooo bloated and knackered!!

Whats going on?!!

I have Googled both and they seem to be normal in early pregnancy but I feel gross.

Honestly, my stomach is enormous :( I look about 5 months pregnant.
Don't get me wrong, I know I'm pregnant and expect to increase in size but not yet!

And its all bloating cos I know munchkin is only the size of a green olive atm.

Is anyone else in the same position as me?

As for the tiredness.......jeez!

I feel like I wanna sleep all the time but when it comes to going to bed I just can't settle.
I am a nurse and have to pull my weight at work and as I'm only 9 weeks
I feel I can't expect my colleagues to do me any favours so early on.

I am dreading my shifts days and nights. They're 12 hours long and atm don't feel that I could even work 12 minutes!

Aw babe, it is all normal by eveng I look about ready to pop lol!
As for work the 1st and 3rd tri are supposed to be the worse for tiredness etc so take it easy I am sure ur colleagues will understand.
Oh yes another exhausted bloater here!!!!

Being a larger lady I don't exactly have a flat tummy normally but this is rediculous.......I don't fit into any clothes (except the stretchy ones!!!).
Thanks ladies.
Well I've gone up a dress size and maybe should be buying maternity clothes but just can't accept that at 9 weeks!!

Glad to hear I'm not the only knackered bloater! Will be glad when its baby and not just air!!

All normal! The good news is the tiredness should start easing off around the 12 week mark.
I was almost in tears with it but have felt alot better the last couple of weeks.
I can commiserate... I look like a whale, too, and I also work 12 hour shifts, which I find barely survivable. Have to battle against sleep on my hour-long journey home especially after night shifts, which really frightens me, actually. Unfair thing is that according to EU law we are not supposed to be working night shifts at all during pregnancy - a directive that of course has not been taken on board by the wonderful NHS, surprise surprise...
Any chance you could speak to your manager to see whether you could switch to doing short days (earlies and lates)? At least until your energy levels pick up again?

im also a bloater and very tired! finding that my clothes are starting to not fit well! x
Huge bloater!!! I thought I was overeating at first and just getting fat, but it turned out I am just incredibly bloated.
Morning fellow bloaters!
It continues! Have got up this morning expecting to look a little less like Humpty Dumpty but no chance!
Its making me a bit paranoid about eating, but of course I know thats not sensible.
Have a good day everyone and thanks for the posts. Am glad I'm not bloating alone!

Aww, it's always better to bloat together :D

I am perfectly fine in the morning, but as I start eating I just inflate and inflate! Might have something to do with the fact I can only drink sparkling water at the moment.
Maxi dresses! I have bought a couple and think that I don't look too Humpty Dumpty-ish in them!
I have accepted that the bloating is not gonna go away now so am just trying to dress accordingly.
Don't even get me started on my boobs though!! They really are something else!!

Maxi dresses! I have bought a couple and think that I don't look too Humpty Dumpty-ish in them!
I have accepted that the bloating is not gonna go away now so am just trying to dress accordingly.
Don't even get me started on my boobs though!! They really are something else!!
Oooh yes, I love maxi dresses, pregnant or not.

Nothing to fill them with yet :cry:
Fill them with your baby bloat ISH!
I officially look like a hard bolied egg with limbs now - and I'm the same colour!
Wish I could feel pretty and sexy! Roll on Tri 2!
x x x

Hi ladies me to faced this during my pregnancy.even I ate a few amount of food also feel full and gassy all the time an I tried to sleep even can't sleep and settle.after few days I just Google it and find some solutions for this and know that bloating during pregnancy is the normal problem for every lady. I avoid bloating by taking remedies you may also follow those one for more remedies visit the article Top 10 remedies for Bloating
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