Made me mad...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Went somebodies house the other night and under their tree was about 50+ presents for just 2 children.

I said ''you got enough presents there?'' they reply ''That's all they have got, sad isnt it?''


The only way that is sad is that the children are going be spoiled...

Aaliyah has 3 wrapped presents under the tree, had aload of clothes early and a tropical fish tank set up wich i'm going to get all nice and established and i don't think that's not giving her much with the ammount I have spent but she doesn't need to know how much I have spent, I know she will appreciate what I have bought her because it's stuff I know she will like and not crap bought just to look nice under the tree as if to say ''LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME''

Sorry i'm rambling but I wouldn't have been mad if she hasnt of said ''It's sad isnt it'' (Making out they havn't got much...) :shock:
Maybe she was saying it sarcastically hun? I cant comment as we have got around 20 presents for Maddison :oops:
Angel has 3! 1 fairly big ones and 2 small ones.

I can't spoil her, and she'll not know.
I cant comment either as Arianna has loads under the tree, plus she'll have the ones from Santa too
Same here, i dont even put them under the tree till christams eve because id have no room, and mizzy would open them all
alice has about 15 - 20, but we have spent under £40. They are all little things - ive brought her things like a new set of paints, and big sheets of paper to use, and wrapped them separately.

she has a bike at my mums as well, but that was a bit of a bargain!!

i would say there was christmas's when we maybe got about 25 gifts each, but they where all little things which wouldn't have cost much individually.
Logan will get one present form us (and i had to work to convince DH to get that much) and nothing form Santa. He is jsut to young and prefers the paper anyway. Next year we will go a bit more over board as he will be 17 months and i will have returned to work. But this year i jsut can't see the point of buying him more things he wont use for long and doesn't really need.


P.S the reason my husband said we shouldn't as we have bought him so much stuff in the last 5 months we should jsut say some of that is an early christmas present, but i felt to guilty to do that.
my sister tends to look at all the piles of presents (mine, hers and our brothers) and if her pile of presents isn't the biggest then she'll moan that nobody loves her and it's unfair that me and our brother have more presents than her.

she tends to go on amount as in the size of the pile than the amount of money spent. my mum could have spent the same on all 3 of us but if her pile isn't the biggest.. nobody loves her. she's 13 now and should understand, but this christmas will be exactly the same.

i've spent £15 max. on people because 1) i don't have the money and 2) each person has got something that they will love.. so honestly shouldn't want more.

maybe i'm just mean ? :lol:

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