Her arrival was a little bit of a shock as she was 8 days early
I was suffering quite badly with my SPD so with bump growing heavier by the day I just wanted it over
I'd had my mw app on Thursday mornin & everything was going nicely she told me
My OH was working late that nite so I thort I'd have a nice bubble bath to releave some aches & pains then go to bed early to catch up on some much needed
As soon as I got out the bath my contractions started. They were low down under my bump & in my back. After 2 hours I called my OH to let him know & he shot home in a panic
"Lets go lets go" he roared
I wasn't ready to go hospital yet so I waited till about 3 am & the contractions were 4 mins apart & lasting for 1 min or so.
I can't believe I was only 3 cms when the mw examined me & she had an attitude too which didn't help (we had to take my son with us coz of the time)
Things hadn't changed by 6am but the mw said my OH wud have to take my son elsewhere. A neighbour said they'd have him & things hadn't changed wid me so we thort my OH wud have time to get back. how wrong we were...
He'd been gone 20 mins & things happened all of a sudden
Everyone tried to get in contact wid my OH to get him back..
It took me 12 mins to push Maddi out & I was all alone
My OH is devastated & we are so angry wid the mw (I understand why she told us to take my son elsewhere but she reduced us both to tears & my OH missed the birth of his daughter)
She weighed 9 lbs 5 ozs and I had no stitches or scraps
The first few days were hard but now she's feeding every 4 hrs & allowing me to sleep of a nite waking only once for a feed
We love her all the stars in the sky & we are thankful she's come into our lives

I was suffering quite badly with my SPD so with bump growing heavier by the day I just wanted it over

I'd had my mw app on Thursday mornin & everything was going nicely she told me

My OH was working late that nite so I thort I'd have a nice bubble bath to releave some aches & pains then go to bed early to catch up on some much needed

As soon as I got out the bath my contractions started. They were low down under my bump & in my back. After 2 hours I called my OH to let him know & he shot home in a panic

I can't believe I was only 3 cms when the mw examined me & she had an attitude too which didn't help (we had to take my son with us coz of the time)
Things hadn't changed by 6am but the mw said my OH wud have to take my son elsewhere. A neighbour said they'd have him & things hadn't changed wid me so we thort my OH wud have time to get back. how wrong we were...

He'd been gone 20 mins & things happened all of a sudden

Everyone tried to get in contact wid my OH to get him back..
It took me 12 mins to push Maddi out & I was all alone

My OH is devastated & we are so angry wid the mw (I understand why she told us to take my son elsewhere but she reduced us both to tears & my OH missed the birth of his daughter)

She weighed 9 lbs 5 ozs and I had no stitches or scraps

The first few days were hard but now she's feeding every 4 hrs & allowing me to sleep of a nite waking only once for a feed

We love her all the stars in the sky & we are thankful she's come into our lives