M/C at 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Hi, my name is Sarah, i've also posted this on the newcomers page as well so hope this is okay.
Me and my hubby have been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years now to no luck. Decided to visit the docs to see if there was anything wrong, had the tests, got refered to the hospital, had more test and even a laparoscopy to check if my tubes were blocked. Was told at the last appointment on 3rd Dec that they may very well be and that they wanted me to go for yet another procedure to double check but would have to wait for my perod to start. Period never came and found out on Weds 24th Dec that i was about 5 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately we found out today that i'm having a m/c. We are totally devestated. Not only had i had the heartache of being told that i may never get pregnant naturally but now i had to content with the upset of a m/c all in the space of 1 month. Although i was very pleased that we found we could get pregnant naturally i feel like nothing good is ever going to happen to us. It has been nice however to read some of the stories where other woman have had m/c's and gone on to have normal pregnancies and it certainly makes me feel a little better. I have to be honest i never thought it would happen to me, at first i was more worried about an ectopic pregnancy given my diagnosis about my tubes, then after we found that was okay we get the bad news of a m/c. At first i couldnt help think i was a failure as a woman, was it something i had done or not done. Deep down i sort of knew sonething was wrong when i kept having like period pains but when i spoke to the hospital they said it was just the egg implanting in my uterus. I now know there was nothing i could have done to stop this.
sorry this is long winded but i just needed to get it off my chest.
Thanks for listening
Hi, in addition to my post above, can anyone answer my query. I'm currently bleeding (m/c), when will i get my next period? is the m/c it, can someone help to explain how it all works as i'm confused?
hi hun.

First off welcome to the forum im just sorry its under these circumstances :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

No words i can say will make this any easier. I have had 2 myself 1st at 9 weeks the 2nd at 5 weeks. just make sure you look after yourself and take it easy.

As for the period question, i bled for around 13 days from initial spotting 4 of them were heavy bleading i believe.

After that it was about 5/6 weeks after i stopped bleeding when i got my AF again and they settled in to 33 day cycles

Hope you are doing as ok as you can be and feel free to PM me if you ever want to tak xxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww, i'm really sorry honey :hug:

i had a miscarriage at 5 weeks last month. i was devastated and like you i felt like a failure as a women etc. give yourself however long u need to grieve for your loss, but it does get easier with time i promise.

re. the cramps- well, i had no cramps at all when i had my m/c but when i was pregnant with my daughter i had dreadful cramps, worse than period pains. and she was born healthy at exactly 40 weeks. so when u get pregnant again dont worry about cramps. good luck with ttc

x x x x
So sorry to hear this. It's an awful thing to happen.

In regards to the period question I can't say as after my first m/c I fell pregnant again.

After the second my period was only 2 days later than normal. They were both early m/cs and I suppose this helped things return to normal more quickly.

Please don't beat yourself up. I'm sure you know it was nothing you did. At this stage it's always much much more likely to be a genetic problem and not you.
Thinking of you.

Hugs hugs :hug:
Oh hun, i'm so sorry for your loss :hug: We'd just started going through different tests as we'd been trying 20 months before I managed to get pregnant and it really hits you doesn't it? There's this amazing happiness that you can get pregnant naturally then this dreadful sadness that it hasn't worked out this time. But the likelihood of your next pregnancy being ok is very high and that's what I hold onto.

My m/c bleeding lasted 10days and the dr said it takes between 4-6 weeks for your next period to start. They did recommend waiting until af arrived before trying again but we've started again straight away as there's no guarantee i'll get pregnant again so quickly after.

The midwife said the other day that it's almost like your body is having a trial run and doesn't get things quite right but that there's no reason the next pregnancy wont go to plan, which is comforting.

Take good care of yourself and for the next 2weeks don't do anything, just rest up and sleep and give yourself time to grieve and heal both physically and mentally. I hope all works out for you and if you need to talk you can pm me anytime.

Thinking of you and sending loads of :hug: your way xx
I'm so sorry for your loss :hug: :hug: :hug:

To answer your question: I had AF (Aunt Flo = period) come after 6.5 weeks. I had initially bled for 2 weeks after the mmc and was told it could stop and start again soon after. The bleeding can last anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks depending on how much your body needs to "get rid of" (just to put it midly).

Give your body time to recover. Pamper yourself, have your hubby pamper you and just relax for the time being. Allow yourselves to be emotionally ready to start again. I gave myself 2 cycles before we started trying again. Now after 8 months of trying we are expecting. Hopefully this one will stick and we will be blessed with a beautiful baby at the beginning of August.

Take care of yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
I just wanted to say thank you very much for your replies of support, you are such nice people on here and it's certainly great to have support from people who have been through it all as well.
:hug: i forgot to answer your period question. my m/c started on 19th november, i only bled very very lightly but it did go on for 2 weeks! the last day of very very light brown spotting was 2nd december. i got my period on 23rd. so i had 3 weeks off! i dont think most women bleed for as long as i did tho. from what iv heard m/c's are heavy but short, mine was extremely light but long, so from m/c to AF my "cycle" (if u'd call it that) was 34 days long. x
Hi Trixipaws, thanks for coming back and answering the period question. :hug: x
Hi, i just wanted to ask a question. I've stopped bleeding (well red blood anyway) but i've noticed i'm passing dark brown discharge now. Is this normal after a m/c? How long does this usually last for?

I had to visit the doctor the other day to confirm to him i had a m/c, only because i had the blood tests to confirm i was and then wasnt at the hospital. I couldnt believe how emotional i got just talking to him. I thought i was actually doing quite well at first but i now know that i was just botteling it all up as it was xmas so didnt really have time to think about it. I know i was early in my pregnancy but it was still a very much wanted baby. I couldnt have wished for a better doctor though, he was soo supportive and even sad that we had a m/c.
Just wanted to get it off my chest.
I had that on and off throughout my m/c....my bleeding finally stopped after about 10days then nothing since, so that's good. I think that was the hardest thing, physically going through it as the reminder is there every time you go to the toilet.
It's good that you have such a supportive Dr, it makes all the difference having people around who care and acknowledge what happened to you.

I've been getting the brown clotty discharge as well. I was told to expect it after my second scan because small bits could still be seen on the scan and that's it's totally normal. My sonographer just told me to see the doc if it got smelly (sorry if TMI!). I'm glad you've got a supportive doc. Mine is great too, I haven't been back to her but I know she'll be great if I need her.

All the best xx
hi I'm sorry about your loss I lost a baby a few months back and as much as it hurts now I promise it gets better


m/c @ 3wks 02/08/08 edd 11/04/09

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