Lyrics you ALWAYS get wrong


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Today i learned iv been singing ( my lungs out ) really really wrong to some songs lol are there some songs you know your singing the wrong words to and you just cant help it ??

Im singing
* Ohhhhhhh you set me on fireeee * ............. instead of * Your sex is on fire *
kings of leon

* Maggie maggie blueeee * .......... instead of * Beggin, beggin youuuuu *

*I always thought, i would end up with you, but C'est la vie * ....... instead of * I would end up with you eventually *

Feeling likee a bit of a dumbass, then again gotta say i prefer my versions 8)

Anyone else do this or just me ?
i'm very anal about lyrics..if i think i'm getting one wrong, i'll do research and memorise. plus i ALWAYS correct people when they sing wrong :roll:
lol just me then !
looks like kareoke night could be interesting should we duet !!
I dunno about myslef lol (probably do)
But heres one from my mum

Bob Marley, as mum calls it 'the roof rack song'
insted of 'with a roof right over our heads' my mum, even AFTER being told still sings 'With a roof rack over our heads' :rotfl:
i dont think i get any wrong much but some songs remind me of people i love who sing the wrong lyrics on purpose and makes me smile and think of them when i hear the song :) these are 3 of them:

bob marley (i think) the isrealites - my dad always used to sing "my ears are alight"! :lol:

macy gray - cant remember the song title "try to say goodbye and i choke, try to walk away and i stumble, tho i try to hide it its clear- my world crumbles when u are not here" my sister used to sing the last line "i wore goggles when u are not here"! :lol:

faith no more - take this bottle - my boyf used to sing "take this bottom"! and show me his arse! :lol:

haha my OH can be a bit, umm, vacant! Years ago he was giving it some on the dancefloor to a popular cheesy song that always got people up. For the first time he actually listened to the words.
'it's raining men'

He slunk off the dancefloor asap. He did say he wondered why it was generally his female friends who got up. :rotfl: :rotfl:
I used to think for years that T'Pau's "China in your hand" was about politics... :oops:
Remember that take that song pray? my best friends mum used to sing "all i do is shine these sinks" instead of all i do each night is pray! LOL

my mum is the best me and my sis used to shout at her for getting all the words wrong. My fave was when she used to sing Ultra nate free from desire as.. "my love has got no money hes got his tromboline" WTF is a tromboline mum?
Riot_Grrrl said:
i'm very anal about lyrics..if i think i'm getting one wrong, i'll do research and memorise. plus i ALWAYS correct people when they sing wrong :roll:

me too :oops:
I used to be a big Bon Jovi fan and one day was belting out 'Its My Life' and one of the lyrics was 'like Frankie said I did it my way' but I used to sing 'like Frankenstein I did it my way'
Also the Topgun song Dangerzone, I used to say 'I went to the dangerzone' when its actually 'highway to the dangerzone'
My Gran sang the Thong Song like this 'let me sing that song' rather than 'let me see that thong' bless her :lol:
I always remember my friend singing "Touch yourself up and try again" instead of "pick yourself up and try again" (no idea what the song was called) at the top of her voice in a shopping centre.

I always ruin songs for my OH. He loves living in the shadows by Billy Talents but I keep singing living in the shitters (it really sounds like that) and he can't listen to it anymore. Same with Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys (Urchin told me this - the "having a big shit" bit). He hates me for it :rotfl:

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