lunch for a 6 month old


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2010
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ANy ideas what i can give h apart from purees for lunch? I know blw is from 6 months but would like to introduce more than what he has for dinner!!
Sorry I don't have any advice but I am interested to see what people suggest too as I'm getting near that stage - just introducing first tastes now :)
on babycenter there is alot about BLW and i saw about this savoury muffins and healthy pancakes that you can make your self which i will def make for noa when its time!!
i used to give allsorts, pretty much the same as i do now! sandwiches, ct up into little squares, pitta bread with tomato puree and cheese on, grilled like a little pizza, cucumber sticks and cheese sticks! allsorts really!
So basically soft food? Mmg&i what do you put in your sandwiches? Can they have things like philidelphia/jam/grated cheese etc?

He's not 6mths yet but I want to get prepared and start lunch in a couple of wks! I was thinking of letting him try eating a rusk himself (in the confines of my kitchen) one lunchtime before I begin!
I was gonna say sandwiches. With Lacey I used to cut of the crusts then cut the slice of bread into 3 stripes, butter or put paste on it then fold it over. Hope you get the gist of what I mean!!
Also give him banana slices, carrot sticks. You can get organic puffs and baby biscuits.
I put anything in within reason! Bearing in mind they usually pull them apart and eat all the bits separately! Grated cheese would be a bit messy, but good for fine motor skills! I mainly did ham or chicken I think! And toasts good, but it's easier for them if you cut it into triangles, it's just easier to hold!
A friend told me not to give ham until a year because of the salt content? I don't know, It's a bloody minefield out there lol! X

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