moving on to stage 2 milk


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2010
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It says to do this from 6 months - anybody have any ideas how it works and whether you still feed the same kind of amount of milk at the same times? I was going to introduce lunch when hes 6 months old!

H currently has:
5oz and breakfast
8oz bottle at lunch
about 6oz at about 4pm
9pm bedtime bottle about 5oz
I think you move to stage two when baby has 3 meals a day, and they usually want less milk anyway, but still need 18-21oz a day. So I'd say you might have to move your timings around but still offer the same amounts and you'll prob find he doesn't always finish her bottles. Oh and if he has a good diet, you don't need to change formula, unless you want to xxx
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My hv said there isn't any need to move to the other stages (unless of course your baby is a very hungry one)
My hv said there isn't any need to move to the other stages (unless of course your baby is a very hungry one)

same here! i was confused about this and posted a thread about it a while back... im gunna stick to the same stage 1 milk & then introduce cows milk at 1 year!
Well I might give it a go once he's properly having lunches and goes to 3 bottles a day! Plus its cheap in tesco at the mo £6 a tin!!!!
HV told us to use stage 1 until they are 12 months then to move on to cows milk.
is this the hungry baby milk that you are talking about Ellie went onto aptimil hungty baby at 15 weeks (9 corrected) as instructed by my paediatrition to help her with going longet in beyween feeds therefor she would drink more at each feed and gain weight
I was talking about follow on milk, not hungry baby x
We never changed milk at all , and then started weaning her onto cows milk last month its working well for us :)
ah I see dont think that we will do follow on milk we will prob go straight to cows milk xx

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