yesterday morning I was told my baby had no heart beat,
I started to miscarry at 6:30 pm Didn't know what to expect.. I knew i would bleed and loss lumps and the baby, which i did, but i didn't know what i was meant to do about this? i am sorry if this upset anyone but i caught all the lumps i passed and lay them on a towel beside me; I kept bleeding and bleeding. 8pm i asked my mum to come over.
we called hospital and were told to go in. I was faint and still losing blood, the nurse helped me get my clothes off, at this point she realised how much i was losing. I felt very dizzy and sick. Hemoraging badly. Felt myself blacking out. Staff ran frantically about me. butting lines in and hooking up machines. Shouting for a SHO to come immediately. Ended up in theatre.
They said I had miss miscarried. I was extremely lucky to still be here.
I feel lucky as i felt myself slipping away, i kept thinking of my big boys i have already and not wanting to leave them. They managed to control the bleeding and close my cervex with injections. we can try again but have to wait a few months. My BP is still very low and i have iron tablets to take for the next 6 weeks. The unit is extremely busy and the staff wonderful. i was treated with great care and genuine sympathy. I was allowed to come home tonight, under instructions to take it easy. Phone them at any time.
I hope to be visiting the unit again but with a happy outcome next time.
Right now I have so many emotions. one minute very matter of fact, the next crying and unconsolable.
my boys ..god love them. were upset too. they were looking forward to a new addition. My youngest said he hopes we try again soon, as long as I'll be ok... Kids eh? thats why we want them... to give our love and to reap it back again. I love my boys more than anything in the world, I lived for them, I know I did. but i also love and miss my three angels
I am sorry to go on here. i am sorry i am on this section at all posting and i am sorry for being selfish as i know many of you have lost babies too...and now i am crying all over again.. rollercoaster....
I started to miscarry at 6:30 pm Didn't know what to expect.. I knew i would bleed and loss lumps and the baby, which i did, but i didn't know what i was meant to do about this? i am sorry if this upset anyone but i caught all the lumps i passed and lay them on a towel beside me; I kept bleeding and bleeding. 8pm i asked my mum to come over.
we called hospital and were told to go in. I was faint and still losing blood, the nurse helped me get my clothes off, at this point she realised how much i was losing. I felt very dizzy and sick. Hemoraging badly. Felt myself blacking out. Staff ran frantically about me. butting lines in and hooking up machines. Shouting for a SHO to come immediately. Ended up in theatre.
They said I had miss miscarried. I was extremely lucky to still be here.
I feel lucky as i felt myself slipping away, i kept thinking of my big boys i have already and not wanting to leave them. They managed to control the bleeding and close my cervex with injections. we can try again but have to wait a few months. My BP is still very low and i have iron tablets to take for the next 6 weeks. The unit is extremely busy and the staff wonderful. i was treated with great care and genuine sympathy. I was allowed to come home tonight, under instructions to take it easy. Phone them at any time.
I hope to be visiting the unit again but with a happy outcome next time.
Right now I have so many emotions. one minute very matter of fact, the next crying and unconsolable.
my boys ..god love them. were upset too. they were looking forward to a new addition. My youngest said he hopes we try again soon, as long as I'll be ok... Kids eh? thats why we want them... to give our love and to reap it back again. I love my boys more than anything in the world, I lived for them, I know I did. but i also love and miss my three angels

I am sorry to go on here. i am sorry i am on this section at all posting and i am sorry for being selfish as i know many of you have lost babies too...and now i am crying all over again.. rollercoaster....