Lucas Jefferson Hughes 15th April 2010


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Nov 3, 2009
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Sorry its took me so long ladies, but here is the birth story of Lucas Jefferson Hughes born Thursday 15th April at 5.27am. 7lb 2oz 19 inch long :)

On Tuesday the 13th April, 11 days before my due date, i woke up at 4am with cramps. I spent the rest of the day uncomfortable and at 3pm the contractions started. I knew they were only mild and i had a long way to go. My previous 2 labours started the same but little did i know that this would be the longest of the three. The contractions became regular at 3.5mins apart but they were not really building in intensity. I went into hospital at midnight to be assesed and i was only 2-3cm's so i opted to come home and try and rest. I managed a few hours sleep but every now and then i would get an intense pain that would wake me up.

On the Wednesday, i pottered about the house washing, ironing etc, went for a walk and OH made a lovely dinner of home made burgers (Mmmmmm) By 6pm i was starting to flag and the pains were becoming a little unbearable but i hung on and we went to the hopital at 11.30pm. I was gutted to still only be 3cm's :( My favourite MW was looking after me and she said she was determined to deliver this baby before 6am so she swept me within an inch of my life and told me to bounce on a ball and walk about as much as i could. The MW (nicola) looked after me post nataly after i had Jacob and over the last year we have become friends so i was over the moon she was going to deliver me. Once she had swept me the pains stepped up into full swing, she was coming back to check me again at 1.30am and i HAD to be at least 4cm's or she would need to send me home. I was so tired that i felt like a zombe walking around the delivery room and i was praying that the pains i was feeling were moving me along.
Nicola came back to check me at 1.30am and i was still only 3 cm's but as she was examining me i got an almighty contraction and i moved to 4cm's in that second :yay: I was admitted and i just crawled onto the bed and said i must sit for half an hour as i was so tired. I was given some dihidra-codein and i started on the gas and air. The codein helped me relax and the gas and air had me happily drunk :lol: There were a few points when i thought i was going to want the epidural because i was so exhausted and the contractions were every 2.5mins and at full intensity.

At 4.50am Nicola arrived to examine me again to see how i was getting on and i was 7cm's, i asked her to break my waters as i deliver quickly once they pop. As she broke them she jumped off the bed, it was hilarious, my waters just flowed off the end of the bed and flodded the place, there was gallons of the stuff :) Instantly the pains became pretty hard to bare and i asked OH if he would coach me through each contraction and to keep me focused, he was brilliant! He looked into my eyes and kept me calm and collected at all times.It wasn't long until i felt a need to push. I gave a little grunt, then an almighty push and shouted 'oh nicola i'm so sorry i have pood myself' (lol) she said no you haven't thats the head so breath! Out came the head, then another push and his body followed. All in one contraction :shock: The second midwife only just made it to the room as he came out :rofl:

Lucas was so tiny and covered in vernix, he was placed on my chest and i was instantly in love with him. I have no tearing, just a small graze (stingy wee's lol). The placenta took some shifting but it came eventually. I had a shower, said goodbye to OH and my sister and be and Lucas settled down in bed at about 7am for a feed, cuddle and good bonding session.
Well thats about all i can recall, it all seems like a blur now, its amazing how quickly you forget the pain. I am so pleased i didn't cave and get the epidural because its great to be up and about as soon as the baby is delivered. I feel ontop of the world, and if it wasn't for the worst back pain i have ever felt in my life, i really feel like i could run a marathon.

Thank you all for reading xx


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Aw wow he is gorgeous annette! Congratulations on your beautiful addition to your family x wow he came so fast at the end! Well done at not caving and what a wonderful birthing partner your OH was! Hope mines half as good!!! x x Congrats again x
I really enjoyed reading that Toon! Lucas is adorable, you must be so proud of him! Love the pic of your 3 boys too! xxxx
That was so nice to read, well done you! I was thinking about you all week :) You have three very handsome young men xx
Fab story must be so proud of your beautiful family - congrats - you did great!!!! xxxx
Good work Cheryl :hug: I said once it kicked off it would be dead quick!

AWWW The hormones have definately kicked in that brought tears to my eyes! so beautiful! well done lass xxxx
Lovely story! Well done and congratulations!!!! He's absolutely GORGEOUS!
Super birth story Annette, and what a wonderful family you have - make sure you rest and enjoy those precious moments. Love and Hugs your way xx
Brilliant story and what beautiful boys, congratulations!
Great birth story. Well done you, many congratulations xx
awww i loved reading you birth story and wow he is gorgeous hun well done and congrats to ya your kids are all gorgeous to hun xx
He is adorable!! :love: What a great birth story! And :rofl: at the poo :rofl:

Love the photo of all the boys! Congratulations! :yay:
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