Isabelle Marie - 8lb 7oz - 15th April 2008


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Sep 18, 2007
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Finally ive got a few minutes to myself to write this up! About bleedin' time really after nearly 2 weeks :roll:

i went 5 days over, so the day before i went into labour id had a sweep and a vindaloo!! :rotfl:

It seemed to work as by about 1pm th next day i was in quite a lot of pain so i phoned OH to come home. I still didnt quite believe it was happening so i kept apologising for bothering him at work :rotfl: Phoned my mum and she popped round to see if i was ok.

At about 3 ish i was in loads of pain, but i hate hospitals so i wanted to hang on as long as i could. Phoned the delivery suite and told them contractions were coming every 5-7 mins, lasting about 45 secs. She said to come in but wouldnt have it!! Said i was off for a bath and some paracetamol and id be in when i couldnt handle it anymore :twisted:

Got in the bath and thought i needed a poo :shock: :oops: Then i realised that the pressure was probably the baby and seeing as this was my second i should really get my arse in gear and get to the hospital, i was panicing a bit, lol.

Got there at about 6pm and i had MY MIDWIFE!! :cheer: i was so chuffed cos she's luuurrrvely and id seen her all the way through my pregnancy. She gave me a big hug and got me a birthing ball which helped a bit. Then she sorted the gas and air and examined me. I was 6cm :shock: :cheer: I was so chuffed id made it to 6 on my own. Apparently the bag of water was bulging so we were just waiting for that to go, then i'd have my baby :cheer:

Waters didnt go on their own (typical :x ) so i got to 9cm and MW broke them for me. The pain got reeeeeeeeeeaally bad after that so i started shouting "AAARRGGHHHHH HELP MEEEEEEE! WHY WONT YOU HEELLLLLPPP MEEEEEEE???" then i shouted "IM GONNA POO MYSELF AND PASS OUT!!!" All dignified stuff :roll: I was begging to be knocked out at some point, but then i realised id better start pushing, lol. i managed to pop a load of blood vessles in my face and neck from pushing so hard too :rotfl:

I was on my back, but that was crap, so they turned me over onto all fours on the bed and things got moving. It bloody hurt sooo much, but it was good pain. Id only had gas and air so i knew what i was doing and even when i felt the head crowning i was screaming, but also really excited!! After aboutand hour and a half of pushing Isabelle was born at 10.12pm weighing 8lb 7oz :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

The after pains were horrendous and it just didnt feel right...i only held Izzie for a minute then i had to pass her to OH cos i couldnt handle the after pains. My placenta was refusing to come out :x I ended up having to go to theatre for a manual placenta removal which was horrible :x :cry: They couldnt get the spinal in for over an hour, then when they did, it didnt work so i had to have ANOTHER spinal. They eventually got it in the right place and removed the placenta. I also had 3 2nd degree tears that had to be stitched :evil:

Anyway, after not seeing my baby for almost 3 hours after her birth, they brought her to me in the recovery room. I was so happy i just couldnt stop crying :D

She was worth every minute and ive already told OH i want more babies :D . Labour was so painful, but it was such a great experience compared to my last labour, id love to do it all again. It was a shame about the placenta, but i was so chuffed to do it all on gas and air :cheer: :D

Awww congratulations. She looks gorgeous.

Sorry you had to go through all that afterwards :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: congratulations I burst all the blood vessels in my face too... :rotfl:
Congratulations :cheer: shes lovely

Nightmare afterwards but glad everything is now ok :hug:
Congratulations she beautiful.
Made a note to self to get vindaloo at the ready if i go overdue.

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