low placenta


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Hi hunni's

just asking is there any one on here that has a low placenta and what are the complications of it, other then if it dont move by due date you may af to av a section, ??

is amanda in hozzy coz she was spottong an had low placent?? just trying to find some info out :oooo:
hey i dnt know much about it but amanda was in hospital shes out now but hers is low to, And she had some bleeding-Leave her a msg sure she tell u all about it. xx

Sure some1 else wrote that theirs was low to cant mind who it was now though xx
thanks lou x x x going to se if i can find some threads of hers on here now x x av a read x
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Hey Nadine - yes i have low placenta and it has caused me untold grief!! The good news is apparantly what has happened to me is quite rare - in 9 out of 10 times it gradually moves back up, but mine was the 1 that didn't - infact mine slipped down lower! The most important thing to be aware of is if you have ANY bleeding at all, even slight spotting you need to contact your maternity dept as although bleeding in pregnancy is very common, with a low placenta they take any bleeding very seriously because it could mean that you are losing your placenta. I won't go on and on about my experience because I don't wanna scare you, and like I say, 9 out of 10 people have no problems at all, but if you want to ask me anything please feel free to message me xxx
Hey Nadine - yes i have low placenta and it has caused me untold grief!! The good news is apparantly what has happened to me is quite rare - in 9 out of 10 times it gradually moves back up, but mine was the 1 that didn't - infact mine slipped down lower! The most important thing to be aware of is if you have ANY bleeding at all, even slight spotting you need to contact your maternity dept as although bleeding in pregnancy is very common, with a low placenta they take any bleeding very seriously because it could mean that you are losing your placenta. I won't go on and on about my experience because I don't wanna scare you, and like I say, 9 out of 10 people have no problems at all, but if you want to ask me anything please feel free to message me xxx

aw thank you hunni,

i went for my 20 week scan an thats were they found out, she has booked me in for another scan when im 32 weeks to see if it has moved up, the only worrie i get is that its attatched to my previuos scar tissue from my first section an then it wont move, which would mean i have to have a section,

they told me if i have any bleed i must go in straight away but in genral ive been ok, so fingers crossed

have you spotted all the way threw or only just started >?? it is a worrie coz i dont want to go in hozzy (no o ne dose) but ive got a lil boy and just couldnt leave him but im aware its not very common n its only if its not attatched proper or moves down instead of up i have to worrie,

just trying to get info on it now so if worst happens i know what im dealing with x i like to be prepard when it comes to dealing with these professinals ............ x x
OHs sister has got it she is like 27 week it hasn't been a problem yet apart from the odd bleed earlier on in the pregnancy. Don't worry most of them move x
No I'd had no spotting at all until 24 weeks, then again at 27 weeks :-( Doc has told me the riskiest time is between 28 - 34 weeks as that is when your uterus is stretching the most and the placenta can also be stretched and split. Hopefully you'll be fine hun and it moves up!

A lady I was in hospital with had the placenta grown through her c section scar - I know that can be complicated and always need a c section.... xx

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