Low PAPP A - called to specialist


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2013
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Hi ladies,

I received a call earlier about my PAPP A level in bloods taken for DS screening. It has come back lower than their cut off point so it has triggered a call back from the midwife asking me to go and see an obstetrician about it.

The cut off is 0.3 and I am measuring at 0.29 so only just off of the minimum level.

I had a nuchal scan at 12 weeks and my results were sent yesterday at 1 in 3000. She said that she is happy with that score, but the blood test has shown this level to be low. Does this mean I am at risk of having a baby with DS? Or does this mean that DS is unlikely, but other issues associated with PAPP A being low are higher?

She said something about preeclampsia but I was panicking by that point so I am not sure I listened properly.

I am very scared and upset now and DH is beside himself worrying about it.

Can anyone shed any light on it for me?
I wish I had some answers for you to help out, but I don't know much about it. I would suggest trying to get another appointment to talk about it - even if its a phone appointment. Explain that you were upset at the news and don't really understand what's going on. One of my numbers was a little low too.....my consultants said she's not worried about ds, but was worried I might have preterm labor later on. So she is going to have extra appointments and scans done as the time gets nearer. I am sure your ob will be able to give you the answers you need. Take a list of your questions so you don't forget to ask anything....and a pen to write with. I've done it before and it really helps.
Hi saxelby. I'm of sure what area you are in but you can get a private test for DS which also tests for Edwards, pataus and sex chromosomes. It's to cheap but there are variations, it's 99.9% accurate. Liverpool women's hospital do the one I had which is called NIPT (none invasive prenatal test). It's just a blood test and you get he resist 10 days later. The one I had is from America and has been tested there and china and perfect result. The uk haven't finished testing yet with is why it's to on the NHS yet but like I say there are a couple of variations of it. Maybe ask your midwife, certainly put my mind at rest. And means you don't have to have an amnio. X good luck xx
Hi Mackmummy. Sorry for delayed response. I have been put on to aspirin once a day as a precaution and I am being watched for preeclampsia. Nothing to worry about really at the moment. I have seen the midwife since the specialist appointment and she is not concerned. My BP was 110/64 so pretty good and nothing in pee so she is not worried at all right now. Having a doppler on placenta at 20 week scan which they will then decide if I can continue the pregnancy normally or possibly have to be started early. Thanks for your reply. I am in Oxfordshire so not sure what their protocols are compared with Liverpool. I will be sure to ask about it at my GP appt in a few weeks in case it is worth doing anyway. x

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