Low Lying placenta


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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Hi ladies

went for my scan today all ok except i have a low lying placenta, go to go back ar 34 weeks to see if its moved, if not again at 36 and maybe c section :(

has anyone been through this bit worried as i have been told to take it easy, not have sex :(, if i have pain or bleed to go straight t o hospital, this is complicated by the fact i have rhesus neg blood, and also am at risk of prem labour as ive had cervical cancer!!
Sorry to hear that you've had cervical cancer :hugs: I hope you're ok.

At my 20 week scan I was told I had a low lying placenta, it wasn't totally covering the exit but was butting over it. I was told to take it easy, not to do anything strenuous and also like you to get in touch with the hospital if I had any bleeding (I had some at the beginning of my pregnancy)

My midwife also said that a lot of the time the placenta moves up and out of the way as the baby grows.

I had a growth scan at 28 weeks and I asked if they could see if it had moved, she said it was probably a bit early (as I was due to go back at 34 weeks) but when she looked she said it has moved up and out of the way.

I know its really hard but try to think that it will move out of the way and at least they are keeping an eye on it, which means they will be able to do the best thing for you. Plus you get to see baby at extra scans, thats my favourite bit :)

Really hope it moves for you as you have been through a lot!
lol thanks for that i am looking forward to my extra scans hehe, im closely monitored because of the cancer as i am at risk of prem labour, so have an open appointment at the hospital. the pronlme i have is i dont carry a lot of water and im not showing yet, still in my normal clothes and their not even tight. so hoping i do grow a bump so it does move x x
My OH's sister had a low laying placenta and hers moved up... most of them do. xxx
:wave: I had a low lying placenta at my 20 week scan, so was given another scan at 29 weeks. It had pulled up a bit but was still low, however baby's head was below it and it wasn't blocking. Had another scan at 35 weeks there and it has moved right up so alls good.

Most do move up and I hope yours does too. Good luck. x
I had one too ad by 34 weeks it was still low but my LO had managed to get her head down past it so they were happy enough with the clearance to let me deliver naturally.

I wouldnt fret too much, majority of them do shift out of the way :)
Thanks guys all sounds positive so fingers crossed x and on the bright side i get to se LO again xx

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