Low blood pressure

Marijana FC

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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I am wondering if anybody else is suffering from low blood pressure? I know it is 'the healthy one' and we should be worried if it is high but I am finding it really difficult to cope with my 90/60 pressure! Especially with this stupid, humid weather! I constantly feel fainty; yesterday while walking I was so wobbly that at first I thought there was an earthquake?! Talked to my MW today but she didn't say anything really useful: just rest and drink a lot of water (and don't go out on your own in case you faint?!)
I know how you feel! Mine has been low all the way thru the pregnancy. Everytime i mention it they look at you like your mad and you should be gratefull. Aparently some people are just like that but it does worry me (i'm not a super fit super slim teenager)
I'm 32, in the last trimester of pregnancy, aparantly (acording to the nhs) overweight. Not particulary fit and going thru a very stressfull period (just been made redundant, lost most of my maternity pay, moving 400 miles away after the baby is born and trying to organise a wedding - oh and all by myself 'cos the OH is in Afganistan) And there's a history of high bloodpressure in the family.
I would have thought my bloodpressure would be a little higher!

But no i should be gratefull? It worries me that there is a underlying medical problem causing it.
mines is regularly somewhere between 100/50 and 100/60. never rising.

Is this low? I too get quite serious dizzy spells, even just sitting down or travelling?

I haven't mentioned it to my midwife cos didnt wanna look like a paranoid chump!

hope Im not highjacking your thread :hug:

Angela xx :?
i'd mention it if i were you. At least its on record then. I got told in the begining it can be low anyway but in the 3rd tri it normaly goes up.
hey yea mines low blood pressure, has been all throughout my pregnancy. i do feel faint sometimes and have done twice at my anti natal appointments. its so damn hot in the surgery and waiting room. i havnt actually fainted tho i mean ive felt dizzy even when sitting. i hear a buzzing noise and see blurred vision. mw tells me to put my head downa nd she fetches some water. also she sticks a fan on to cool me down if im really hot. had to do that and lie down i was that bad this time but able to walk home without being picked up unlike last time. its a nightmare but hopefully mines nearly over :)

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