love stories, how you met fell in love(: ive added mine


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Happy Valentines everyone hope you all have a brilliant day
as its such a romantic day how about sharing your love stories
i love a good love story!!! :hug:
how you met fel in love
for those engaged married how did they propose? or did you propse
wedding stories
the lot
legs get compleatly drunk and sick on sticky sweet :dance: LOVE :hug:

SHARE THE LOVE !!! :D :hug:

I would just like to say
I am proud to be your girl and feel like the luckiest Lass on the planet for having your love.
Thank your for the gift of your love and for the presious gift of our baby Son


this is James :hug: my SEXY MAN!!
I will post our love story later tonight after work as it's a bit late and ive only just caught up anwering all the posts ive missed through the day
:roll: working :(

Keeping my mushy story to myself :wink:

Lovin the bike in your first picture though!!
Me and Sean met through a mutual friend, we kind of became inseperable after the first lunch with friends and it just went from there, we used to text and chat all night. We work for the same company so was constantly around each others desks :lol: :lol:

Edited to say I was married at the time but in a very violent nasty relationship.

He proposed one lazy saturday afternoon and everyone was very shocked and they thought he was a confirmed batchelor :rotfl: 6 weeks later I was pregnant :dance:

Aww, I'm feeling all loved up now :D

David and me worked together for about 6 months before we really spoke (even though I'd always fancied him but we were both seeing other people) - we met on the tube one night on the way home and got chatting and the next day he emailed me....the emails got more and more flirty and we went for lunch a few times that week......on the Friday we decided to go for "1 drink" after work but ended up stumbling back to my flat together after last orders.....and the rest is history!

Our work's Xmas do:


I love him so much and thank my lucky stars every day to have such a kind, caring, passionate, considerate, generous, honest man (especially after some of the *******s I've been out with!) xxxxxxxxx
Chris and I met a few years ago when he came to a pub I worked in in York but he was a daft boy racer with a shaved head and moody look about him and I never took much notice of him :lol: About a year later I had moved to Northumberland and we met again in a bar there and became was fate :wink: He proposed in 2005 on a beach and we got married the following year and had Maddison the year after that :cheer:
I met my OH in Magaluf. I thought he was a thick northerner and he thought I was a stuck up bitch.

OH and I met when I came down here on holiday with his cousin who I worked with, he was with someone at the time and although I got the impression he liked me I would never want to get involved with someone who was already involved but apparently whilst drunk I did leave my phone number on his phone :oops: he texted a few times and decided to come up to visit me and his cousin and we really clicked so he decided to move to Bristol to be with me after about 7 months of living together his nan had a fall and was quite ill and he decided he really needed to be near her so we both moved down here and 7 years later we're still here and getting married in 2 weeks! :dance:
I met my OH on faceparty! :roll: We lived within 40 miles of each other and spoke everyday on MSN. We met up in Glasgow after a while and been together ever since. 4 years together and lived together for over a year!
ohhh long story coming lol
i met DF when i was roughly an hour old, he was roughly 3 hours old, are mummys where in beds next to each other in the maternity hospital :), then they saw each other at mum and baby groups occasionally after wards then we went to the same primary school, where he was officially my first kiss :) and i went home and told my mum a yucky boy had kissed me on the lips i was horrified :rotfl:
then he left primary school and went to a different one in yr 5 but we then went to the same high school for about 6 months before they moved away,
then in august this yr i was tlking to some one i had knowen all the my school life so she knew chris to, and she said that she had served him in sainsburys and they were meeting up did i wanna go, so i did and about 3 weeks later he asked me out then last week he asked me to marry him, all very quick but i am so in love with him :lol:
Me & hubby went to school together and were good friends while at school, hubby fell in love with me but I wasnt interested as I just wanted to have a laugh and enjoy myself and didnt want a relationship at the time... I broke his heart :( We we're best friends for ages and used to talk on the phone all night (his mum & dad got a £600 phone bill at the time, oppps they've forgiven us tho now haha!) and text constantly but he found it too hard and we drifted apart...

A year or so later I suddenly decided that I liked him afterall and told him, he was with someone else (not serious) but he left her and got with me :oops: and we've been together ever since... that was 5 1/2 years ago now, we've been married 4 months and lived together for 4 years. We now have a beautiful daughter and are very happy :D

Sam is my world and I love him so much, I couldnt live without him. Im so lucky to have found my soulmate :D

My lil family :D


Well me and Brian kinda met through the internet in a way. I was working and had on AOL messenger and he popped up and we started chatting as he only lived about 15min drive from me, 2 days later we met up for a coffee in town, year later we were engaged, a year after we bought a flat together, then marriage and of course Arianna arrived.

The funny part is when I met him I adored him straight away, but I was only 16yrs old and he was 26yrs old... so for 6mths solid he thought I was 20! :oops: I finally told him my real age when he gave me my "21st" birthday present, which was actually only my 17th..... I burst in to tears, told him and we had an arguement..... I though I would never see him again :( as it was the day he left to go offshore for 3wks.... but after 2 days I got a MASSIVE boquet of flowers with a card saying that he would always love me, and age was only a number.

We have now been together for 8yrs this April :D

Any excuse for showing these pics again....


Nick and I got together 2 years ago, it's gone so fast! I was in a very, very abusive and unhappy marriage, me and madman were living in seperate rooms at this stage.

Anyway, I am interested in anything to do with New Age, I have pagan beliefs and I used to pop into the local well known high street newsagents/bookstore (where he worked) to check out the latest books.
I had met Nick about a year before and to start off we just said hello when we bumped into each other. He at this time was with someone else and I was with madman.

About a year later things were becoming impossible with madman, Nick and I began chatting more and more and realized that we had far more in common than I had ever had with 'im indoors!

We met up for coffee and the rest is history, I left madman, he left his gf who was a bit on the strange side too. We moved in together a couple of months later and a year later I became pregnant with our little boy, Daniel Kai, due 3rd April this year.

I love Nick loads and he is my best mate as well as bf. I just wish we had met sooner :D


Us on our first New Years Eve together.
I met my OH 10 years ago at uni. Two of his friends were dating two of my friends. One night I went to a dodgy club with my mates to meet up with their blokes and friends. We were all quite merry and greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek, but my OH grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips. That was that.
We had to do the long distance thing for a while while he worked in Switzerland, London and USA. He proposed after 2 years together...I fell out of the single bed we were sharing whilst a bit tiddly. I banged my head and got tearful. He offered to marry me to make it all better! We got married a year later :cheer:
We will have been married 7 years this year and although we do have disagreements, there has never been a horrible word or unkind action between us. It is a lovely marriage and I am very very lucky :puke:

This is us aged 20, three weeks after we began dating.
I don't have massive moles on my face - they are bits of confetti :)
Sarah&Braydon said:
ohhh long story coming lol
i met DF when i was roughly an hour old, he was roughly 3 hours old, are mummys where in beds next to each other in the maternity hospital :), then they saw each other at mum and baby groups occasionally after wards then we went to the same primary school, where he was officially my first kiss :) and i went home and told my mum a yucky boy had kissed me on the lips i was horrified :rotfl:
then he left primary school and went to a different one in yr 5 but we then went to the same high school for about 6 months before they moved away,
then in august this yr i was tlking to some one i had knowen all the my school life so she knew chris to, and she said that she had served him in sainsburys and they were meeting up did i wanna go, so i did and about 3 weeks later he asked me out then last week he asked me to marry him, all very quick but i am so in love with him :lol:

That is sooooo SWEET! :D
I knew my dh a few years before we got together as he was my brother's best mate :oops: I always secretly fancied him but we were in different groups and into different things so never did anything about it. I had some really horrible relationships and I was off men altogether! My dh turned up one day with my brother and we had such a great laugh! We talked for ages and he said I should come round sometime for a cuppa so I text him one night asking where my cuppa was :lol: and after that we couldn't stop texting each other. He came to my house one night with my brother and I was poorly in bed, I looked like crap :lol: and he came up to my room and hugged me and kissed me and the rest is history. He never really left after that day. We were engaged after 6 months when he proposed on a booze cruise and I was pregnant with Aaron after 9 months. We've been married for nearly 2 years now and together for 4 years. Aaron is 2 and we're having our second in July. I couldn't be without him, he's my soul mate and I knew from the moment we got together we would get married and have children! I love him with all my heart, he's my best friend as well as my hubby. He means everything to me!

Awww I like this thread :D
xjoann said:
I met my OH on faceparty! :roll: We lived within 40 miles of each other and spoke everyday on MSN. We met up in Glasgow after a while and been together ever since. 4 years together and lived together for over a year!

Mine was similar - met on ICQ in the July and bought our first house the November although it was more for practical reasons as he lived with his parents on their narrowboat!! Been together 8 yrs, married for 2.5 yrs and got engaged 5 yrs ago today! :)

:D Okay well.....heres how it goes...

This time last year i split up with my boyfriend of 4years because he was a very very nasty person i had moved back home with my mum and ex owned a website that I used to post on loads, but when we split then I gave up on posting on the site....anyway there was this guy on the site that was good friends with my ex. My ex would talk to this guy about me on msn saying that he never understood why I had left him and that he was planning on getting me to go to his brothers house to get me pisshed and make sure I couldnt leave him and that I would have to go back with him.....but this wasnt quite how he worded it!

This friend of his got a bit worryed about me and emailed me to let me know that he was a bit worryed and was wondering why I didnt post on the site anymore...but he knew why and it was just a way for us to start talking.

I messaged him on msn and we got on really really well....and I started to think "I really love this guy" but then also followed with the thoughs of "Internet love isnt real" and the big problem....He lives In Ireland and I live in will never ever work.

After a month or so of texting and msn and writting to eachother, i sat down to talk to him again when he said "Ive quit my job and I have handed in the notice for the plane is booked and Im gonna be there in a month" I said wouldnt it be better if we just met once or twice first...but he said no because he knows that if he came over he wouldnt ever want to leave me again.

So on the 6th of April last year i met him at a airport for the first time...he was jobless and homeless but luckaly had quite a bit of money saved up. And he was right I couldnt bare it if he had to go back to Ireland he is just perfect! He lived in hotels till June the 13th because it was so hard to find a sutible home and then we decided we would both move to Ireland!

We moved there and it all went really well and we got a house and he got his old job back and I got a job in a florist but after a few months things in Ireland started getting a bit rough we lived on the northern side of the border and I started having alot of trouble from the girls i worked with...soooooooooooo in November we moved back to England and thats where we are now!

:D Busy little year ooooo and now we are having a baby! :D :D :D
I love reading love stories!....
More the fact that im nosey though more than romantic! HA

I have a habit of rambeling when im telling a story so sorry....

Well i used to live in student accomodation last year when i was a student nurse.
Anyone who's lived there or who has mates who have will know what a
crazy place it is to live in..going out, having parties ect...

Anyway a group of my mates went out and brought a group of lads back for an afterparty

I was already at a party but came back late and joined in.
None of them particularly my type atal and i wasnt interested in any, i actually thought they were a bit strange, well one of them,
who got really drunk and got naked, running around the room.... :lol:

Hes now one of my quite good mates, and he still likes to entertain when hes drunk..
This youtube video will show just how strange he is.. haha :rotfl:

Anyway from that January they came round quite a lot to get drunk ect, and 2 of my mates were fuck buddies of 2 of them...
There was a big fall out between the lads and some of the girls and they didnt come round anymore.
I moved into a house with one of my fellow uni friends and out of the blue one day in March, 1 of them rang and invited us to a party.
Just me and the girl i was living with went, had a laugh.
Decided to play truth or dare as a laugh and Lee, my now boyfriend during the game said
" i dare for u to neck for me" or "lick Shauns toes"
Kind of went from there...

Except, i was never the girl to want to be in a relationship, kind of messed lads about..
Used to see him about 4 times a week, him and his mates came round for a drink.. we used to sleep together (but not sleep together)
He got feelings for me... and wanted to be with me but i was still seeing other lads, that he knew about...
but he wanted me for himself or not atal type thing, i wasnt that bothered so just stopped cin him as that, and just as mates.
I even ended up seeing one of his mates, Dom for a bit.
After a while i realised i missed him as that and that i had feelings for him so had to choose between Lee and Dom...

I talked to Lee and we became a couple. He'd never had an official girlfriend before and id never wanted a boyfriend.
In June, my mate had some trouble with a lad in Liverpool and ended up moving back to her home town...
Lee moved in with me from there.. and weve lived together ever since.

Around Christmas time, we found out we were pregnant, found out very late actually!
I was 3 months gone before i knew....
Wouldnt of planned to have a baby now but now im happy!
Lee was supportive and now we both cant wait to bring our son into the world.
Lee completely tamed me i could say and im totally in love with him.
Weve lived together for 9 months now, known each other over a year and we get on very well.
There hasnt been a proposal, and i dont want one! Dont want to get married anytime soon. Im happy as we are for now, a little family

midna said:
I was stood at the bar at coffin night (goth/metal night) and I told him to get me a drink if he got served first ...he said he would he gave me the look so I licked his face... somehow he ended up in my bed that night :lol:

Love it :lol:

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