Love in the air?


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well, so o/h is home on his pre-deployment leave :eh: happy that he's home obv and sad that he'll be going again (2 weeks today puke).

So, we are thinking on taking a break for a copule of days and he's been looking at hotels to stay at on my computer today.

I wasnt paying much attention to it really, until he was looking at a website and went "f**king hell I wouldn't pay that", so it got my attention and I went to see what he was looking at.

I saw the page, it was a lovely hotel that he was looking at, a castle somewhere, the package was £2400 or something stupid :shakehead:.

So I was asking oh what's this and he said "oh it's just the proposals and engagements section - dunno why i'm looking at it" :shock::shock::shock:

Why would he be looking at that?? Why, why why why why WHY?
Surely he aint thinking of popping the Q?:shock:

He knows I'm not keen on getting married again, but of course I would say yes if he ever asked. Plus he's agreed to TTC in Oct :dance: and I know its important to him that we are married first cause he's worried about any children not getting christened.

As I said I'm not actually concerned about marriage myself, I just wonder if he's planning on asking? :eh:
I think that sounds romantic :cloud9: I know you said you're not keen on getting married again but it sounds like the man is thinking otherwise :lol:

Doesn't have to be a big white dress but PLEASE say yes if he does "Pop The Q" - I loves a wedding, I does! :D
We agreed once that if we do get married then it'll be in Bora Bora on the beach - i'd have to lose about 3 stone first!! (bikini wise)
NOw that sounds faaaaaaaaaaaabulous! :D (And I bet you don't have 3 stone to lose... :) )
Awww! I wish I could get married again! (to the same bloke obviously..) lovely, I bet he's gonna propose - does he know your ring size? So romantic!
I doubt it, I don't even know it myself, he does have good taste in rings tho, oooh sparkly! :)
:) we aren't going anywhere now, my parents are coming over so have spoilt any potential plans, typical lol
I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. Go for a safe relation.

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