Lotus Birth - warning contains pictures of placenta


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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has anybody heard of this or is trying it out?

Its when the umbilical cord is not cut from the placenta and they are kept with the baby until it detaches naturally.

Not that i have anything against it as its obviously what happened naturally before cords were cut, but what do you do with the placenta until it falls off? Do you carry it around with the baby? wouldnt it smell?
Evies cord stump took about 10 days to fall off i can't imagine carrying my placenta around for that long :lol: .

edit: just found these pictures from http://www.naturalfamilyco.com/graphics ... allery.pdf



I saw a programme on it once and while I found it fascinating, I don't think it's for me really.

The mother packed the placenta in a handmade velvet bag full of salt and lavender to preserve it and keep it tucked away somehwere and when the cord detached itself, she just popped it all in the bag and was going to keep it and bury it in the garden with a tree :?
Oh yuk, sorry I don't like that at all :puke:

If anyone wants to do it, then great, but it wouldnt be for me!

Surely its not supposed to be attatched? I mean, I dont know anything about it, so I'm probably talking out of my bottom, but when animals breed - wheaher it be my dogs, rabbits or whatever, they eat the afterbirth to get rid of it and chew off the umbilicle cord. So surely, if we wanted to be completely "natural" we would do this too?

I dont know, I'm just waffeling!

Its interesting tho to see what people do.

Piglet xx
Oh gawd! I just looked at this while eating my chicken sandwhich :puke:

It's my own fault for looking :lol:
Dont want to offend anyone but that made me feel queazy! :puke:
madam bully said:
I saw a programme on it once and while I found it fascinating, I don't think it's for me really.

The mother packed the placenta in a handmade velvet bag full of salt and lavender to preserve it and keep it tucked away somehwere and when the cord detached itself, she just popped it all in the bag and was going to keep it and bury it in the garden with a tree :?

Ive seen that one loads and shes a MW too!

The idea of a lotus birth is that the mum and baby rest properly until the cord falls off, and apparently its all less stressful for the baby.

Resting and peaceful baby or not - I wouldnt do that, ewwww
YUCK, that looks bloody awful!!! Defo not for me xx
mrs_tommo22 said:
[quote="madam bully":l3yid0te]I saw a programme on it once and while I found it fascinating, I don't think it's for me really.

The mother packed the placenta in a handmade velvet bag full of salt and lavender to preserve it and keep it tucked away somehwere and when the cord detached itself, she just popped it all in the bag and was going to keep it and bury it in the garden with a tree :?

Ive seen that one loads and shes a MW too!

The idea of a lotus birth is that the mum and baby rest properly until the cord falls off, and apparently its all less stressful for the baby.

Resting and peaceful baby or not - I wouldnt do that, ewwww[/quote:l3yid0te]

I think I saw that programme too.

No thanks, not for me, I'm opting to have the injection to deliver the placenta, just want to get rid of it ASAP.
no definately not for me either. the clamp that they put on the cord annoys me until it falls off let alone a bloody great big placenta attached to bubs.
i dnt know anyone who gets to rest completely after childbirth, i was out shoppin within a week of havin reanna, then again i would like to see some of the visitors faces when you pass them your baby and a placenta :rotfl: mite keep them away for a few eeks at least.

Birth is bad enough as well as the lochia and stitches and the pissing of nails afterwards without carrying your placenta around :shock:

They can chop mine off and do whatever they want with it as long as i dont have to see it!
I think next time round I'm going to wait to cut the cord until after the placenta has been delivered but I wouldn't want to carry the bloody thing around with me! Austin's stump fell off on day 3 and I thought that was bad enough!
I quite fancy waiting till the cord stops pulsating before cutting it, but carrying the placenta....yuuukksss!
nope not for me either - I did see a programme about it on telly and apparently if you wash the placenta properly it doesn't smell but jeez wouldn't it be a pain trying to dress bubs will the placenta still attached,
:shakehead: no thanks :shakehead: wee plastic hygienic clip please!

:puke: :talkhand: lv yvonne :hug:
maybebaby said:
I think next time round I'm going to wait to cut the cord until after the placenta has been delivered but I wouldn't want to carry the bloody thing around with me! Austin's stump fell off on day 3 and I thought that was bad enough!

Can i ask why?? :think:

As for me carrying the placenta around :puke: the belly button crap on new borns is bad enough!!! :puke: :puke: :puke:

Keely said:
Can i ask why?? :think:

Apparently it speeds up he third stage (so no injection), it means that baby has definitely got all the nutrients left in the cord, and it means I can have a long cuddle with him/her while we're waiting for the placenta.

I wanted to try it this time round but the midwives were worried about me bleeding and because we were at home they decided it would be better to cut the cord and give me the injection to get the placenta out. (I was told all this afterwards). They did manage to wait until the cord stopped pulsating though.
Not for me personally but I think cords are cut way TOO SOON after birth though, and should be left until after the placenta's delivered, or until the cord's stopped pulsating at least before being cut, as up to 40% of your baby's oxygen and blood supply is in it, why they cut it so soon unless of a special circumstance I'll never know :roll:
I know that it is hard for many of you to understand why we chose to have Lotus Births. It is because you are not used to seeing this practice and you are probably scared of the sight of blood, guts, organs, all the things that are inside us and keep us alive. This organ just happens to be on the outside with a Lotus Birth and you get to witness your child let go of their lifeline in their own time.

You don't want to even look at the organ that kept your baby alive in your womb? Why have you become a mother? Do you care about the process or just the end result? The end result, if rushed, will be a lot harsher on every level that these wonderful images of these babies with their placenta's intact.

I think if you could just open up a little further past your initial fear of the unknown then you will allow your self and your children to grow into much stronger and healthier, happier human beings.

Don't close your mind or your eyes for that matter, Lotus Birth is beautiful!!!


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