lots of bh and quieter than normal baby !!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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been having lots of bh this am nothing painfull or regular that i can tell. baby has also been quiter last 2 days feeling only flutters really not the bug belly movers !! baby had been back to back dont know whether its being quieter is because its turned ? :roll: know i should probably phone mw and go for ctg but on my own today with a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old to pick up at 3.30 !!! xxx
Mw have told me that 10 movements a day is enough.. do a kick chart if need be.. although ive had much more movement since hospital, baby hasnt been as strong as usual and still reduced movements compared to a couple of weeks ago.. but defo more than 10 a day now.. so all is good and i dont have to be monitored anymore.. bh are common at this stage and i still get them all day every day lol.. if they get stronger id call the mw.. and if your really worried about babys movements id go in to be monitored to put your mind at rest babe xx
Thanks Joanne think i'm just more worried cos mentioned at consultant appiontment last week that baby had had couple of quieter days but was still getting at least 10 movements. mw told me to come in if happened again to go on ctg. will see how things r later when oh back and got Ethan from school. This baby is just normal soooo active its unreal ! more so than the boys were !!swear i should have big bruises on my belly !! xxxxxxxxx
I have the same kind of baby lol..i did actually look at my bump for a bruise sometimes it made me shout out loud lol!! although im thankful its not so painful.. i was worried when i didnt feel anything and a 15min bedside scan showed baby so still only moving slightly twice! the worst feeling ive ever had in my life!! :cry:
ive been monitored for over a week a couple of times a day and babys always been sleepy and ive always had to wake it up lol... but theyve always been happy with the hb etc once its awake..
maybe pop in to be monitored after the kids are in bed?
I have a naughty one who will have a few days of lots f movement and then a few days when he is quiet mw said as long as I feel 10 then it's fine x

does really worry u I had it with Ethan and he always woke up on the trace !!! just had a couple of little pokes bit lower than normal so maybe lo has just changed position. if doesnt improve by tea time think ill go in. Just dont feel right either today. Glad your lo has been behaving for u, take it theres been no more tricles ? xxx
If something doesnt feel right just go in babe..

ive still had a couple of trickles but not enough/right colour for me to suspect waters.. prob just increased dc.. joy of pregnancy :roll:
i have days where dc is out of control !!! thank god for pantyliners !!!! Have a increased need to pee today too !! and heart burn is back !! just think its going to b one of those days !!:roll:
Oh my hburn has been awful these past two days!!! always get it even worse just before i eat so it puts me off eating :( ...doesnt stop me though :lol:
:oooo:thats just happened to me was starting to think bout lunch and wham !!!! struggling to eat at min as it is have to just force food down !!! waiting for gavison to kick in !!! oh the joys !! we will miss al this in a few weeks !
I wont miss this lol!! ill miss the lil kicks and hiccups and the bump itself.. none of the drama that comes with it lol!!
Rennies only work with me... oh and tesco ones are well nice and work fast but have a mank aftertaste :(
will get some of those tesco ones !! and give them ago as gavison doesnt get rid completely !!! will miss the kicks too but thats bout it !!! xxx
Hope baby is just tired today and having a growth spurt, thinking of you x
Thanks ladies just home baby is fine !! But I have pre eclampsia was nearly kept in !! Got protein in wee and bp raised going to get midwife out to keep an eye on things xxxx
Glad baby is ok, but you aren't having it easy are u! This baby seems to want to make an appearance sooner rather than later. I saw in your other post that your bp rocketed after giving birth to your son, this happened to me too last time and i am being monitored every 2 weeks, they have also said this is a potential reason why the baby may be small. Hope your feeling ok xx

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