I'm loving this thread, though DH goes mental as he hates spoilers. So I have to sit there itching not to say something! :wall:
Yeah my OH is the same :lol:

I knew what was going to happen in the last episode season 3 and I was like "ooo ooo just let me tell you this bit" and he was like "lalalalalalala Im not listening"
c'mon...all the spoilers in the world aren't going to give everything away... :rotfl:
Last season will be season 6...to be filmed in 2010, only expect to know exactly what went on then!!!!!! I just love guessing and theorising!!! Fun :cheer:
A few hints for those who havnt seem the second episode yet :)

The boaties are good guys!!! Well....they are certainly very likeable characters....and think they are just there to rid the island of Ben.

I have a theory that they were Dharma who just happened to be off island when the purge happened and have been trying to get back ever since.

Oh and its all out war between Team Locke and Team Jack....or atleast thats how it seems to be heading!

One of the boaties can talk to the dead. :shock:
A few spoilers for episode 3....

Sayid is revealed as one of the Oceanic 6, and his flash forward is VERY revealing, who is the mysterious employer he is "head hunting" Dharma for? ITS BEN! HE GOT OFF TOO!!!
Nope all seems quiet on the spoilers front...though I can tell you Michael is on the boat :wink:

And episode 5 reveals a lot about the time difference.....time moves either slower or faster (cant figure that out yet lol) on the island than the rest of the world!
I noticed the time thing.

So Claire got off and Kate is now raising Erin. i cant take it the programme is brilliant. xxxxx
ok, I'll try and explain episode 5, but im not sure exactly whats going on now :think:

In the copter en route to the freighter, they go slightly off the bearings given and Desmond begins to time jump.

He is in 1996, back in the military, and thinks he had a dream of being on a copter. He jumps back to Desmond in 2004 (present) and doesnt know who anyone is or where he is. It seems his awareness, his consciousness, is that of Desmond from 1996. He continues to jump back and forth, and while in 2004 he speaks to Daniel Faraday who tells him to go find him in 1996 at oxford uni where he is working on a time travelling device that "unsticks" people in time. So its not a persons body that travels but their consciousness. He finds him and is told that in order to survive the ordeal and not have a brain aneurysm, he must find a "constant"...something or someone that is familiar in both times. This is for Desmond, Penny. He tries to contact her in both times, eventually gets he rnumber, calls her from the boat as 2004 Desmond and all is well :)

Then we see Daniel back on the island, flicking through his journal, and he finds and old entry - "if anything goes wrong, Desmond is MY constant"

Now my theory is that in order to prevent a paradox, the universe has "course corrected" and disturbed Daniels memory in order to stop him remembering meeting Desmond back in 1996!
OMG, what the feck! I am too stupid to understand any of that! I think half of the Lost storylines go over my head anyway!

Valentine Xxx
Yeah its getting more and more complicated!!!!

We had to watch it again straight away to get our heads around it and i'm still a little confused :wall:
thanks for that :? i think that i will tape it incase i dont get it.
Tara & Liam said:
thanks for that :? i think that i will tape it incase i dont get it.

I would, we watched it again lastnight so thats 3 times now lol....I cant get my head around a few things - we need a physicist to watch it and explain :rotfl:
That was so good....did u get all the black rock stuff in the auction house, that the Hanso family owned the diary before and now Widmore has bought it...think it must tell about the island....
I love this programme!!! :cheer:
AnnaR2B said:
That was so good....did u get all the black rock stuff in the auction house, that the Hanso family owned the diary before and now Widmore has bought it...think it must tell about the island....
I love this programme!!! :cheer:

Thats what we thought! I reckon Widmore buying the log in 1996 is what sets off a chain of events...perhaps the log tells people how to get to the island?
Another load of puzzles in episode 6 - "The other woman"

Ben is in love with Juliette because she reminds him of "her" (not sure who, could be either his mum or Annie?) and sees her as his property, so we see some flashbacks of him sending Goodwin to his death because Juliette is in love with him. Goodwins wife is involved too and is a right bitch. She pops up in present time too.

Charlotte and Faraday have a surprise in store and the gas masks are to protect them while they perform a risky task of rendering chemicals and gas, that Ben would use to kill everyone on the island, as useless.

Very exiting stuff!
Where did Goodwins wife pop up from, are there still 'others' living on the island or was it an apparaition???
Good ep though, ended a bit quickly?

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