
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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I thought as such a huge part of Lost is the speculation and spoilers, id make a new thread for this as not everyone wants to read spoilers.

Anyway, I shall be posting spoilers in here as and when I come across them :) Feel free to add your own!!!

I have read the following spoilers so far.....

Michael returns as a regular character in the first few episodes of season 4

Jack and Claire discover they are related (at last!)

The losties will be split into 2 camps....one who return (Team Jack) and one who stay (Team Locke) Team Jack will be Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and Jin. These are known as the "Oceanic 6" and there is another lostie who leaves the island but is not an "oceanic"....possibly Desmond. The rest of them stay and join Locke, in joining the others


Thats all for now :)
Ace, I cant wait til its back on, feels like forever since the last season finished!
Oooh that's interesting!

Keep em coming ;)

I still maintain Jack is Jacob in some weird time warp thingy, hence Jacob trying to keep them on the island (going by Jack saying they shouldn't have left at the end of Series 3).
Kina said:
Oooh that's interesting!

Keep em coming ;)

I still maintain Jack is Jacob in some weird time warp thingy, hence Jacob trying to keep them on the island (going by Jack saying they shouldn't have left at the end of Series 3).

hmm interesting kina.
if you watch the new trailer, its on youtube, the reflection of the island is the sea, is actually a city...like new york or something. You have to look carefully!!!! loves it!

the last time I saw Lost they had found the bunker, what series was that? Was it 2 or 3?

I'm hopeless at watching series on TV - I just wait for the box set but its been so long I can't remember
Some more spoilers....and these are BIG ONES!!!!

The boaties are there for Ben....no more information than that but I reckon they are Dharma, and they have been trying to get to the island to exact revenge since the purge....but that russian guy was jamming the signal so they couldnt "see" the island anymore (until Locke blew it up that is lol)

Also....Jacob is..................

CHRISTIAN SHEPPHARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clever...also...did u see when charlie swam to the window..in Hurley's cell...he had
written on his hand!!! Man i love this show!!!!
No I didnt catch that! I didnt even realise who it was until he saw him again :rotfl:
I've been nosing on the Lost forum...lots of easter eggs in that episode...like:
so called 'attourney' who visted Hurley, had hexagon shapes (dharma) on his tie...
Picture on chalkboard behind them in mental institution was of a desert island...
and yes, everyone is saying Jacob is Christian Shepard, and the eye was either Locke or Mikhail!
Naomi saying 'tell my sister i love her' is a code that she's in trouble??

OOhhh another Lostie....love it!!! :hug:
Oooh can I ask... You know Hurley is in that mental institute, the guy with the hat on who he was sat playing with, was he not in the first series, wasn;t he the guy that kept saying those numbers over and over and over again, the number Hurley put on the lottery?

Or am I totally off the mark? :think:
just a thought though - if "Team Jack" are known as the oceanic 6.... how come Hurley was saying before he got arrested that he was part of oceanic 6?

Don't think we will know the identity of the '6' for a while. Desmond did say he saw Claire getting off the island?
Also Kate, wouldn't she be in jail if she was back...which leads me to think she has taken someone elses identity!!!

Here's a little egg for you...this is the audio of the whispering when Hurley finds jacob's cabin...

"You have to believe it's me, Nikki"
"Did anyone say something?"
"I said nothing"
"You better not say a f**king thing or talk about Desmond"
"It's Me"

I'm not going to listen to them"
"It's January 7th"
"I see somebody"
"Do you recognize him?"[/size]

wasn't Nikki the one who got buried with paulo over the spider bite???
Oh man...i'm addicted already!!!
I've just discovered that they've put all 3 series of Lost on Virgin TV on demand so i can catch right up :cheer:

once I've got rid of DH as he hates it....so I have to fit in over 30 hours worth of viewing somehow... :think:
AnnaR2B said:
Don't think we will know the identity of the '6' for a while. Desmond did say he saw Claire getting off the island?
Also Kate, wouldn't she be in jail if she was back...which leads me to think she has taken someone elses identity!!!

Here's a little egg for you...this is the audio of the whispering when Hurley finds jacob's cabin...

"You have to believe it's me, Nikki"
"Did anyone say something?"
"I said nothing"
"You better not say a f**king thing or talk about Desmond"
"It's Me"

I'm not going to listen to them"
"It's January 7th"
"I see somebody"
"Do you recognize him?"

wasn't Nikki the one who got buried with paulo over the spider bite???
Oh man...i'm addicted already!!!

Oh wow thanks for that, I was planning on doing a bit of searching for those transcripts before the next episode but now I dont have to yay :lol:

Yeah it was Nikki and Paulo wasnt it...

I read a theory that smokie, the whispers and the visions of the dead are caused by dead souls not being able to leave the island which makes sense to me, I wonder if they have been poking their noses in things to try and destroy the island so they can move on?
MMm good theory! Would explain why black smoke can come back as different people even if they are dead!
where are you getting all your information from. i didnt think that it started until this evening.
It started in the USA on thursday so its available to download pretty much as soon as the episode finishes over there.....um.....its naughty to do that though :shhh:

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