Lost my baby


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Just wanted to say I have lost my baby. i had a scan today at 8weeks6days and they didn't find an embryo, only a yolk sac. The sac was the same amount of weeks (in size) as I would have been today but no locatin of embryo. The lady said she think it was lost many weeks ago and therefore to small to be visible.

i am completely devastated by the news and have been crying all day. i just felt like dying at the ultrasound. My midwife will make an appointment at the hospital on monday (couldn't do that because of the weekend)and then we will have to discuss the optiions available. I am still in shck and it almost feels like this isn't real.
So, so sorry to hear your devastating news. Hope you're OK.
So sorry sweetie! Big hugs to you and ill be thinking of you....xx
So sorry to hear this terrible news. I've been there and I know how hard it is. Big hugs xx
Aww hun, im so sorry to hear this...
My thoughts are with you.
Thank you all for the lovely replies. i just don't understand this is happening and I find it even more hard to hear it has gone wrong but also to wait for it to actually happen and the bleeding to start :(
I know how it feels hun, the same happened to me last year and i couldnt understand why it happened to me esp when it was my first pregnancy and i just remember thinking this sort of thing happens to other people. All sorts of thoughts are going to go through your head and i had my op done the day after i started to MC naturally as i didnt want it to happen that way which is what i explained to the EPU once id got my head around it. The only piece of advice i could give is take one day at a time and deal with one thing at a time. I really am sorry for your loss as i say i know only to well how you feel...
Oh gosh so sorry hun xx
I am so so sorry babe, this is such a terrible thing for anyone to got through. xx
So so sorry to hear that you are going through this.

Sending you lots of hugs xx
I'm so sorry for your loss Helen x
Im so sorry to hear your news huni, i know how devestating it feels xxx

My piece of shit galaxy ace

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