Losing my sanity :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Hi there,

Does anybody have any advice for controlling my emotions? I feel fine one minute and really happy then the next minute I'm furious over the slightest little thing... in the past hour I completely lost it with my puppy after she soiled all over my new rug and carpet to the point where I was so frustrated I was screaming at the top of my voice and have sent her outside as I am really annoyed with her for doing it constantly. Now I am hugely embarrassed at myself and the neighbours must think I'm some sort of psycho, and I wouldn't blame them-I am unsure of myself at the moment. I do try and keep calm and remind myself it isn't the end of the world when things like this happen but I just can't seem to control my temper...

I am also really concerned as if my temper carries on I don't see myself as a fit enough mother for my baby, when I've calmed down from my mood swings I've often considered moving out and leaving the dad with the baby as it seems like a more safer option...when I'm in the moment of my angerness I start feeling really angry and violent, which obviously isn't the right behaviour or frame of mind for bringing up a child.
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Welcome to the site hun xxxxxxxx

How far along is your pregnancy? My hormones are all over the place and somedays its like really bad pmt for me. Have you talked to your midwife about it?

In my opinion the fact that you recognise this is half the battle and you worrying over it and how it could affect the baby tells me you will be a fine mummy :) xxxxxxxxx
Thank you,

I'm 36 weeks and it's my first, I'm absolutely petrified too!
How far are you?
I haven't said anything to the midwife, she is really lovely but I feel embarrassed, like she'd think I'm some sort of mental case haha. I'm also worried that she might try and get me to speak to a doctor or something, I'd feel weird and worry even more that there's something wrong, but at the same time I don't want to be screaming and shouting..we've recently moved as well and I've never spoken to the neighbours which makes it worse. I also don't know anybody else who is pregnant or has had a baby in the past few years so to most people around me it is quite alien. arghh and it only goes downhill from here(apparently) haha xxxx
I'm only 10 weeks but have always been known for my temper. The discipline I learnt in martial arts helps me to focus and calm myself down though.
Talk to your midwife. I am sure you aren't the first woman she has seen with this and you won't be the last. Moving house is incredibly stressful and if there's no-one around to just come and have a cuppa with you it must be hard for you to release pent up emotions. I did read somewhere about pre-natal depression, maybe everything's just gotten too much and shouting is your coping mechanism?
You aren't on your own now hun, we are all a bit mad here and totally understand the ups and downs of pregnancy xxxxxxxxxxx
You've moved house, you have a puppy (a job in itself!) and you're quite heavily pg with first baby, and in your own words 'petrified'.
Not surprised you're stressing.

I've had some horrendous mood swings lately (I'm grumpy/stroppy anyway) but when I'm stressed, I get angry.
Same type of thoughts afterwards too about coping, being a good mum, etc etc.
Don't beat yourself up. As babybrain said, you have recognised a problem, this is a good thing and shows that you want to do things the right way and you'll be a great mum.

Sounds like you really need someone to talk things over with. The girls on this forum are really lovely, but don't be afraid to talk to your midwife too, she'll have heard it all before!
I don't know many people with a baby either, none of my close friends have children. Hope to make some new friends after baby is born.
Hi guys,

Thank you, yeah I think maybe it is just that I have noone to talk to properly. my best friends have been a bit funny about that I'm having a baby as I was the one who was least interested in having a family, but I'm the first to end up having one (which now I'm really happy about). I'm hoping to make friends too, I haven't been to any classes or anything as i was working quite a lot, but now i'm in my first few days of maternity leave I feel a bit lost! typical, but it's better than going to work I guess :)
I'd say that what you are going through is completely normal :) I was in a furious mood that affected me all evening because someone at the farm had taken one of my buckets. Angry over a bucket for gods sake?! Lol!!
I hope it goes when the baby gets here, I'm worried I won't be like normal mums that completely fall in love the moment they set eyes on their baby, I'm fed up of feeling mean and angry, and it's not fair on the dog she's still young she's bound to misbehave, although she was really good today so no strops yet :)

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