Loosing baby weight


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2015
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How is everyone doing loosing the baby weight? I'm 8 weeks post birth, I'm doing ok but everywhere has expanded, bum, boobs, thighs. I can't get in any of pre pregnancy jeans or any of my dresses and I have 3 weddings and 3 christening a over the next 3 months. I've started spinning classes and started a diet. What are people's experiences with getting back to near pre preg figure? I know I'll never be the same but I find it quite upsetting sometimes. I was a 6/8 before now I'm a 10/12. Probably expecting too much too soon aren't I?
Give yourself some time, a healthy weight loss would be 1-2lbs a week depending on what you're in to I.e. I do a lot of weight lifting and so whenever I have leaned down I have looked to lose as minimal muscle as possible whilst losing fat so I personally wouldn't lose more than 1lb a week on a controlled diet and weights routine. I do t know if you're breastfeeding or not but to sustain a long term healthy weight and figure do not do any of the crash diets etc etc, especially if you are exercising. A healthy, macro and kcal controlled diet alongside exercise will get you better results, but they won't be instant; hang in there! You say you'll never be the same but there is no reason why you can't get back to your pre pregnancy 'state' with consistency and a little bit of discipline. Thacts not to say don't eat anything unhealthy or not have rest days etc, just find the balance that works for you and for your body x
In my experience, weight sticks to me until I reach the 7-9-month postpartum mark. THAT is when all the breastfeeding pays off and the weight falls off. I was so frustrated for months after my first baby but then when she was 9 months old I was below my pre-pregnancy weight (even got a tiny bit too thin). Same story with my second baby. Take it easy. 8 weeks in your body is recovering still, and keeping weight on for breastfeeding. It WILL come off - please don't try to force it!
I will also add that women I know who have lost weight very quickly after birth have suffered from very low energy, light-headed spells, shakiness, more extreme hair loss, issues with milk production... Not good! The weight stayed on me for extra long, but I also have felt fantastic the weeks/months after birth, and I've always had fantastic milk supply (even tandem fed after my last baby was born). I'm sure the 2 are related!
Hi Eaw123 I know its really difficult to shed off the pregnancy weight but Beachbody released a set of workout videos to help keep you in shape while pregnant, but they also have a postpartum section for shredding off the baby weight. This should help you get back to where you were before just in time for those weddings. I hope this helps!
Hey hunni

It is hard at first some it just falls off. I got back into my prepregnancy jeans within the month but gradually lost the weight and when he was about a year I'd say I was back to normal if not a bit lighter. Once I went back to work and started chasing after Jackson more it happened. I did do the exercise dvd 28 day shred as you can do that in levels which is quite good. I wasn't religious with it though I like the idea of exercising more than doing it lol.

This time I'm gonna do slimming world only because I do want to eventually get back into a healthyish lifestyle lol atm I'm eating what I please.

Avoid any strenuous exercise for about 6m to allot tummy muscles to get back to normal etc.

Also another good tip is to maybe get some fluid retention supplements from Holland and Barrett. Good chance some of your weight is water left over, the fluid retention tablets help flush that out and they are herbal - not sure if you can have them if your bf tho - perhaps check that. But if they work you could perhaps do even like a wee squat challenge or plank challenge which can be done at home and easy enough to have a day off if your not feeling upto it.

Good luck.

I put on 4 stone and went up from a 12 to a 16... Just slipping back into a 12 7 months later started slowly then lost about 1st in a month by doing slim fast and walking between 1-3 miles 4 days a week
Im quite fortunate I'm 16 weeks in and I have 4-5lbs to lose to be back at my lightest 7st 9 . That said I do fluctuate.

I'm not dieting ( sadly im still eating junk in between healthy meals haha) but im walking everywhere as I don't have a car midweek. There's a hill between me and anywhere unless I bus it. Other than that being a general house mum is my only exercise but I am flabby and less toned so I think I've lost muscle. My stomach muscles did split too but not too severely.

I get back use of my car midweek in August... so I bet I gain weight.

Give yourself Time! Look after your and walk :)
It took your body 9 months to grow a baby. There's a saying that it takes another 9 months to go back to normal. It's maybe frustrating but you have to give yourself time. With a healthy diet and some exercise you will get there. Just don't pressure yourself.

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