There isn't really much they will do with pcos. If you are oving ok then they will just let you get on with it naturally. I don't always ov so that is a massive issue for us, hence being under the fertility clinic and on clomid.
You might want to look at a couple of the pco threads as there is quite a lot in info on those. Cysts can come and go in a matter of weeks, so it is possible they weren't there when you had previous scans? Pco also needs to be confirmed via a blood test (not that they will do anything if you have it, other than it will be useful to know the stats if you have to go down the fertility clinic route).
Diet is quite crucial for most pco sufferers. Low GI is generally good, also switching to whole milk rather than skimmed, butter rather than low fat spreads etc. Protein is good. Sugar is bad (including fruits). You can still eat fruit but may suit your body better to only eat it in the mornings for example.
There are lots of supplements you can take for pco, again I recommend checking out some of the pco threads as there is quite a comprehensive list there.
For the time being though just take time to grieve and to let your body heal.
You might want to look at a couple of the pco threads as there is quite a lot in info on those. Cysts can come and go in a matter of weeks, so it is possible they weren't there when you had previous scans? Pco also needs to be confirmed via a blood test (not that they will do anything if you have it, other than it will be useful to know the stats if you have to go down the fertility clinic route).
Diet is quite crucial for most pco sufferers. Low GI is generally good, also switching to whole milk rather than skimmed, butter rather than low fat spreads etc. Protein is good. Sugar is bad (including fruits). You can still eat fruit but may suit your body better to only eat it in the mornings for example.
There are lots of supplements you can take for pco, again I recommend checking out some of the pco threads as there is quite a comprehensive list there.
For the time being though just take time to grieve and to let your body heal.