Looks like I'm back in here

There isn't really much they will do with pcos. If you are oving ok then they will just let you get on with it naturally. I don't always ov so that is a massive issue for us, hence being under the fertility clinic and on clomid.

You might want to look at a couple of the pco threads as there is quite a lot in info on those. Cysts can come and go in a matter of weeks, so it is possible they weren't there when you had previous scans? Pco also needs to be confirmed via a blood test (not that they will do anything if you have it, other than it will be useful to know the stats if you have to go down the fertility clinic route).

Diet is quite crucial for most pco sufferers. Low GI is generally good, also switching to whole milk rather than skimmed, butter rather than low fat spreads etc. Protein is good. Sugar is bad (including fruits). You can still eat fruit but may suit your body better to only eat it in the mornings for example.

There are lots of supplements you can take for pco, again I recommend checking out some of the pco threads as there is quite a comprehensive list there.

For the time being though just take time to grieve and to let your body heal.
Yupp another miscarriage, going for a scan on Thursday morning to make sure theres nothing left in there.
And they've found put I have PCOS. So when I thought I was missing my surges for opks I just wasn't ovulating.
I'm so fucking angry, went to the hospital they just sent me home with the appointment. I know they can't do anything but they didn't even check me or anything...

Just feeling so low now. :wall2:

I've never been through this, so I won't pretend I understand because I don't. But I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for you. I felt so sad reading this post and am hoping that your dream comes true and you get a BFP again and the PCOS doesn't cause too much trouble for you.

All the best to you and your family x
Aww hun so sorry to hear this big hugs xx
Aw PB I'm so sorry to see you back here. I'm truly heartbroken for you! Sending you the biggest hugs :hug: we've been trying since may with 1 m/c, it's so devastating xx
People on Facebook make my blood boil! Constantly complaining about being pregnant! And my cousins girlfriend makes out her life is so shit when it isn't and she has a beautiful daughter with another one on the way. And another person who is due next mouth going on a rant she can't give up anything for lent because she's give everything 'nice' up already.
A friend from school is pregnant with her 4th and she has 3 boys her exact words were 4th time lucky (that it will be a girl) and then said if it's another boy I'm going to cry. I know i shouldn't be judging but some people really don't know how fucking lucky they are. And I want to go on the biggest rant ever at all of them, of them but I can't, without them knowing. :wall2:
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Sounds about right; many people are very unaware of how much they take for granted. Be it about their job, home, finances...I've always found it annoying when people moan about their children. I always try to think about the fact that not having kids, I can't really relate to their feelings.

But then there are these types. The attention seekers so totally focused on the BS stuff and who often know it's not that bad but need a legion of folk telling them so. Equally bad are the ones putting out a vague status so people ask what's up etc. I call it Troublebook haha.

Maybe take a Facebook break until you're feeling better? It's always got someone being ungrateful or sharing something unsavoury and right now you need to not see that. I know you shouldn't have to, but if it's hurting you in some way it's not worth it.

Again, I am so sorry you're facing this atm. Hugs to you x
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Peanut Butter

So sorry you are going through this. :(

I'm reading an amazing book at the moment. There is a good chapter about m/c.

Check it on Amazon. It's called: Spirit babies: how to communicate to child you meant to have.

This book makes me feel a lot better. I'm sure it will help you too xx

Hugs xx
People on Facebook make my blood boil! Constantly complaining about being pregnant! And my cousins girlfriend makes out her life is so shit when it isn't and she has a beautiful daughter with another one on the way. And another person who is due next mouth going on a rant she can't give up anything for lent because she's give everything 'nice' up already.
A friend from school is pregnant with her 4th and she has 3 boys her exact words were 4th time lucky (that it will be a girl) and then said if it's another boy I'm going to cry. I know i shouldn't be judging but some people really don't know how fucking lucky they are. And I want to go on the biggest rant ever at all of them, of them but I can't, without them knowing. :wall2:

Peanut, I'm so sorry.:hug: I can totally relate to how you feel. My mum died 18 months ago and when people around me complain about their mum I just want to punch them in the face. People definitely take things for granted in their lives.
I'm so sorry Peanutbutter, my thoughts are with you. I can't believe you have to have 3 miscarriages before they will even investigate. I'm heartbroken for you. I've lost 3 so know how you feel xx
So just spent the last day in hospital. Started bleeding so heavy was going through pads every 3-4 mins. They said if it didn't slow down within so much time would be rushed to theater. Luckily it started to slow down, sent me for an internal scan no sign on sac just have loads of clots in there. They sent me home but told me to keep an eye on the bleeding.
Just feeling tired a d dizzy. They wouldn't let me eat or drink incase I had to go to theater lol. xx
Aw PB, I'm so sorry you're having such an awful time. Its like an extra kick in the teeth isn't it? I hope you're as okay as can be. Having something to eat, get a big blanket and chocolate and lie on the sofa xx
I've been on sofa all day still getting loads of pain tho my last mc wasn't as bad as this!! But I passed the whole sac last time this one's coming get out in pieces so that might be why :/
So sorry for this Peanut. I hope you can feel better soon x
Peanut I am so sorry you had a miscarriage I had no idea until I spotted the thread and now to top it all off you have to go through this too :(. It's just rotten, sending big hugs your way lovely and hope it calms down soon for you xxx
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So sorry to hear this hun... You mentioned in your post since you were 15 you've worried you can't have children. I've been exactly the same and now had 7 mcs in total... But I do have my beautiful rainbow boy who is now 18 months. Trying for another with not much luck so far... Don't give up hope... Go easy on yourself, the horrible bit physically sounds like it's over and you just need lots of cuddles and chocolate!

I tried acupuncture which I found v good for me... At least, when I started treatment the next pg I had worked! I'm going every week again now so hoping it helps my next pg.

Take lots of care... Big hugs X X X
I'm so sorry honey.

PCOS can be so cruel, especially when you struggle to get a diagnosis. We don't ovulate and then when we do our eggs are rubbish. Not fair.

You will get your take home baby. Xx
Hey Hun, really sorry to hear this. Hope you get your sticky bean soon xx

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