Back from docs again, i feel like giving up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Well just been to the docs. The receptionist last time i phoned
up told me everything was fine with my bloods, stupid cow failed
to noticed that it said my eastrogen is in fact low. Just had my
doc explain to me so im so angry right now. Why cant people just
tell me the sodding truth first off :wall: So now got to go for
another scan and an x-ray on my tubes and be injected with dye
to see whats happening down there and also swabs. Im getting
fucking sick and tired of all this shit now, sorry for swearing but
i really dont see me getting pg in the near future. They say theres
a light at the end of every tunnel, well this is one great sodding
tunnel so if anyone sees the end let me know coz im ready for
giving up :cry:
Do you know what love, I know how you feel. I'm well fed up of it as well. I'm not charting that long, and already I'm getting annoyed by it all. I had swabs, bloods and nearly the same story with the Receptionist. She said all was grand, til the doc rang me back to tell me I had a high prolcatin gland (again, 2nd time since i was 19/20)

Rant away love, I know how you feel though, its like no-one takes your feelings into consideration. If I hear "it'll happen if you're not stressed/it's not meant to be" once more ill snap.

:hug: :hug: :hug: Rant away, I am nearly i the same boat as you. Oh, and my gynae appointment isnt til November. :roll: :roll:

I wish they would take us seriously.
awww babe im sorry your doctors are thick :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really hope this gives some answers hun, like oyu say you need to kow one way or the other whats happeneing
Good luck chick xxxx
Don't give up Littlelady! I hope things sort themselves out soon. :hug:

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