Long Ass Work Rant


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi girls

More or less a work rant really.

I currently work fulltime and have did with the current job Im in for a year now. I recently moved desks and work for busier consultants. We are currently understaffed so everyone is busy. We attend meetings constantly raising issues that they seem to think a few hours overtime a week will help? Actually it generates more work.

My line manager had called me in the other day to discuss basically why I hadnt been typing much. I explained that my desk is heavy on admin and I hate not being able to type because I was previously always upto date. She says the manager higher than her was threatening a capabilty review which Ive not to take personal. I feel like despite raising the issue that I was struggling its not heard so now the higher line manager thinks im "uncapable". There were no complaints about me at my prior desk because I was always upto date but now suddenly im being questioned.

Ive came back after the holiday to total chaos phone non stop, emails galore and again I didnt type 1 letter. So I emailed her again to say listen. Im stressed out my box. Help basically. No answer of course.

Then just 5 mins before hometime I get an email from my previous consultant moaning that Julys clinic wasnt closed and this would have been a disaster and so shes emailed the higher line manager. So I forwarded a previous email of me claifying up until march when her annual leave was then I moved desks and another seccy took my place. When I moved to my desk there was clinics not cancelled by other staff members but I didnt email the boss about it I just cancelled them and got on with it? So I just feel tomorrow I dont even want to go in.

I know you dont really get the whole picture but I just feel like shooting myself and now being pregnant my anxiety has flared up and I just know Ill be sitting all night worryin about what kinds of bother id be in.

Im actually considerin speaking to the union because I feel a bit attacked? Not only have I just settled in, I have expressed how busy I was and I just see myself getting into more bother over things. My line manager has actually says previously that i would be "pinpointed" being new and because she hired me as apposed to the higher line manager but I just feel as though the next few months every bloody tiny thing will be looked into majorly when there are people who are known to sit and do bugger all work.

This was literally a big rant because Ill try anything to not spend my whole night worrying about this. I hate wasting my emotions like this on work. Then I get angry because Im being so worried. Logically I know they cant fire me or anything but its just anxiety building when Im fearing going into work before Ive even left. Im not normall a worry wart so hoping this is just a hormonal spell and can get back to it.

I actually love my job and being busy but Im over worked and feeling crap atm. Never in my 6years at the nhs has my capibility been questioned. I am so fucking angry.

Ill need to call a meeting tomorrow with my manager before it escalates further. Im the first to say sorry if Ive did wrong. But they should know if that is the case then this is one of the consequences of putting too much work on to us.

Thanks for reading! :D

Sounds like you've been dropped right in the shit.

But you are correct in saying g they cannot sack you. You have email evidence that you asked for help, so they don't have a leg to stand on. Try not to worry about it. It's maybe worth touching base with the union just to give them a heads up, but no action at the moment.

Hope you have a good evening. Try get a bath or something to relax and take your mind off everything. It's nearly the weekend!
Oh I know.

Im just so angry. Theyv got audio typists who everyone knows sits on the internet. Her sole job is to type. I dont see her getting hawled down every other day.

My meetings with my manager in the past havent been great. She didnt handle my miscarriage situ well so now I always feel vulnerable and defensive in meetings and come out in tears so I think having a union rep to speak for me may help. But dont want to jump the gun as I do when Im stressed, maybe itll blow over.

Ive spoke to a colleague shes on my side with it all because she had already raised issues about my desk being so heavy before I got there. So they all know its not solely my fault. But the previous consultants email has just dropped me right in the shit.. Luckily I keep my emails so will present what I have. If it was a miscommunication fine sorry I fucked up but I will start noting who else fucks up and doesnt get hauled in and if it continues Ill go the HR route.

I dunno whats worse being sacked or picked on for eternity :lol:

Its payday tomorrow so Im treating myself to new pjs etc. Im easily pleased. And easily deeply upset it seems.

Thanks for replying.

Hey Tey not to stress I know it's easier said than done iv been there. I had to get my union involved with a work issue when I was almost 6 months pregnant and it really helped having them there to voice how I felt. My line manager was over powering and butted jn alot so my rep put her in her place and got out what I wanted to say ect. I definitely recommend having them there to help. It also shows you know your rights and won't be bullied or blamed for others mistakes. My work has not crossed me since because they know il get my union back in there and they don't like dealing with the union. Have a nice bath before bed that might help you sleep. Iv not slept in two nights I'm shattered but will bath tonight in hope it will help me sleep.
Hope tomorrow will be ok, of they start just say we can discuss everything once my rep is involved and leave it at that keep and print all emails x
Sorry, you've got this stress going on. I would definitely contact your Union just to inform them what's going on and save all emails etc just in case x
Have you told them you're pregnant?
I don't want to make it worse, but having listened to an article on discrimination towards pregnant women, make sure you're all covered and that they are not deciding to pick on you because of this...
Hope it gets better. Xxx
Unfortunately yes.. I dont want to be one of those who say theyr picking me because of that but the first time I started having bother was September after my MC where they tried to make me take annual leave. I argued its sick leave and its not actioned and she says basically i didnt say I was sick. I says well I phone and told you what happened I assumed when saying ive miscarried I wouldnt be exactly fit to work. Eventually I got HR to sort it. And since then, I got moved desks, after just settling in. So now that theyv moved me to a brand new busier desk, theyr expecting me to basically do what the targets are. Which Im not the only one not making.

Should mention the lady who was on my desk had been off sick for a year, before leaving. So there had been no full cover at the desk for a year. And i found out today she had been at countless meetings with management and her union rep due to the desk being extremely busy. Which is good, because the union rep there knows the history with the desk so that coupled with the threats will shut them up and hopefully give me some lea way.

I spoke with my line manager today not the big boss, but she basically said its good that I told her and I says basically if Ive messed up then Im sorry. It happens and she says she will sort it. So Im now in limbo but much better because the managers aware that I was worried about it. But anymore mention of a capability review or any sanction over it ill be heading straight for the union. Not putting up with it.


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