

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
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does any one know any good companys that do loans foe people with not that great credit ?? thanks x
You could try the provident people honey but there interest in ridiculous xx
No I wouldn't recommend provident either, I think its more like 182.6% interest :shock:
My sister got a loan with provident- 177% :shock:

Have you asked your bank if they would consider you? Thats where you'll get one of the best rates :)
Try phoning loanmakers - they check lots of different companies.
We got a quote from them recently and it was OK, although we decided not to get it in the end - going to focus on ttc instead!
kellie80 said:
No I wouldn't recommend provident either, I think its more like 182.6% interest :shock:

OMG that's scandalous! It's so wrong companies like that prey on vulnerable people :x My mum was telling me about when we (my sisters and I) were young and they'd had a really tough year financially, so took our a Provident loan for Xmas. They spent 11 months paying back £200 because they were such a rip off.

I would definatley check out Money Supermarket and also have a look at the forums on Money Saving Expert, there is lots of tips on there :)
unless u NEED a loan for debt consolidation or whatever, dont get one. interest on them things is just like pissing money up the wall
I know it sounds silly but is there no way you could get it in someone elses name? Nat had bad credit so our car credit is in my name...
find out if you've got a credit union in your area that you can sign up to. They're pretty good, usually give very good rates for loans, and they were brill with us when we called (i've got rubbish credit)

thanks ladies were gona look in to it alot more but we need to get all are debts into one xx
avoid loans and consolidating your debts at all costs!!!

the best thing you can do is go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau. They can help you with your budget, contact your creditors and sort out payments with them for you. They can freeze the interest and maybe even help you write off some of the debt.

It takes nothing to go and see them and may help you soo much. They certainly did with us, and to think we wanted to consolidate our debts and even add to our mortgage - makes me shudder!!!

We would have ended up owing about £70,000 more than we do now!!!!!

Now we have agreements in place and have never felt more at ease with things. I will never get another credit card or loan as long as i live!!

Whatever you decide to do please do yur research first and work out the total you will owe :hug:
I agree with Christina, debt consolidation companies are complete useless tw*ts! I was in bad debt, and completely wrecked my credit rating, and I couldn't get a loan unless I went with a company like provident and I'd decided I would suffer because that would have got me into more trouble.
I was contacted by a company called Kensington Finance who told me I wasn't in enough debt to qualify for an IVA and I was refused for a consolidation loan, but they said they would contact all my creditors for me and if I paid £125 a month they would split that between them all and by law my creditors wouldn't be able to contact me blah blah blah. Sounded perfect as I'd been paying about £450 a month on a part time wage of £600 so I went along with it.
My creditors didn't stop hassling me, I was paying the £125 a month which Kensington were dividing between them all, but it wasn't making the minimum payments so I was being charged by each of them every month..hence my debt went up not down! Kenisington wasn't helping no matter how many times I phoned, was supposed to have my own advisor but never spoke to the same person twice.
In the end my OH had to use his savings to pay most of them off otherwise I would have been in serious trouble.
Still paying off one debt, which started off as a grand 18 months ago, got it down to about £300, then because Kensington weren't making the minimum payments with my money the charges built up and the debt went back to £700. Definately try CAB..I wish I did!

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